This beautiful diorama of a Circus as it was before it was forbidden to use animals in their shows, was posted here on the blog eight and a half years ago. Created by Patrick Gillet, a French artist, you will need eight sheets of paper to build your own.
Este belo diorama de um Circo, como ele era antes que fosse proibido uso de animais em seus espetáculos, foi postado aqui no blog há oito anos e meio atrás. Criado pelo artista francês Patrick Gillet, você precisará de oito folhas de papel para montar o seu.
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A Cut-Out Circus For The Children - Vintage Papercraft - by The Boston Globe - via Bob Green
Chuckle and Cheer Circus Freak Paper Toy - by Urban Paper Collective
The Circus Automata Carousel Vintage Paper Model - by Unknown - via Paper Modelers