Friday, June 27, 2014

Doctor Who - Dalek Paper Model - by Peter "Gfoyle" Darrington

From Doctor Who, the classic British Sci-Fi tv series, here is Dalek, a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants, in a cool paper model version created by designer and modeler Peter Darrington, aka Gfoyle. 

The model occupies just two sheets of paper.

Da clássica e longeva série de Ficção Científica britânica Doctor Who, aqui está um Dalek, uma raça de mutantes extraterrestre, em uma bela versão em papel criada pelo designer e modelista Peter Darrington, aka Gfoyle.

O modelo ocupa apenas duas folhas de papel.

Link to part 01:

Garbage Pail Kids - Adam Bomb Paper Toy - by Paper Foldables

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 photo adambombcard03_zps5d9bb6c1.jpgGarbage Pail Kids is a series of trading cards produced by the Topps Company, originally released in 1985 and designed to parody the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls created by Xavier Roberts, which were immensely popular at the time. Each sticker card features a Garbage Pail Kid character having some comical abnormality, deformity and/or suffering a terrible fate, with a humorous, word play-rich character name such as Glandular Angela or Half-Nelson. Two versions of each card were produced, with variations featuring the same artwork but a different character name denoted by an "a" or "b" letter after the card number. The sticker fronts are die-cut so just the kid with its nameplate and the GPK logo can be peeled from the backing. Many of the card backs feature puzzle pieces to form giant nine-card murals; other back subjects vary greatly among the series, from humorous licenses and awards to comic strips and, in more recent releases, "Fakebook" profiles. 15 original series of regular trading cards were released in the United States, with various sets released in other countries. Two large-format card editions were also released, as well as a set of fold-out posters. All-New Series sets were introduced in 2003, Flashback re-releases began in 2010, and a Brand-New Series was announced for 2012, with Brand New series 2, Chrome Original Series 1, and Brand New Series 3 following in 2013. A new format was released in 2014, using the year as the edition, followed by the release name of Series 1, which had an Olympics style format. - Wikipedia - Below, a link for some cards for the first original series, from 1985:

Garbage Pail Kids 1985`s Cards: Every.Garbage.Pail.Kids.Cards.From.The.First.Series.1985

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Original Album Cover from Brazil
Garbage Pail Kids, ou Gang do Lixo, no Brasil, é um álbum de figurinhas lançado em 1985 nos EUA e publicado por lá até os dias de hoje. Lá já há 15 séries diferentes publicadas. Com o sucesso vieram os desenhos animados e até um filme para o cinema. O desenhista original era o Tom Bunk, que para quem não sabe desenhava e roterizava para a Revista Mad, quando ela ainda era interessante.
As figurinhas eram, e ainda são nos dias de hoje, bem bizarras, nojentas e politicamente incorretas, apresentando sempre crianças em situações absurdas e ofensivas. Alguns são até fofos, mas a grande maioria simplesmente detona com as inocentes criancinhas. Todas no album são retratadas com alguma anormalidade cômica, deformidade, mutação genética ou tem um terrível destino e seus nomes são sempre trocadilhos infames relacionados a situação, tipo Tadeu Morreu, Boneca Meleca, Manolo Miolo e Sandro Malandro. Em 1990 o album foi lançado no Brasil e devidamente boicotado por diversas mães ofendidas. Nos Estados Unidos há clubes de trocas de figurinhas e objetos relacionados e continua relevante na cultura pop e nerd americana até hoje.
Abaixo, dois links para o album lançado no Brasil, infelizmente nenhum dos dois completos, mas você pode ter uma boa idéia do que era a "Gang do Lixo".

Album Gang do Lixo

Album Gang do Lixo 02:

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Link to download the model:

More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Autopsy Zombie Paper Toy - by My Fantastic Toys

Bravest Warriors - Butter Lettuce Party Diorama - by Mr.Qqn

Bad Robot Paper Toy - by Kamiyari - via DeviantArt

Paper Joy Spanky Stokes Paper Toy - by SpankyStokes

Steam Locomotive Tsubame Paper Model - by West Railway Japan

This very well done paper model of the Steam Locomotive Tsubame T-62, came from West Railway Japan website and the model you see in the photo above was assembled by Dutch designer and modeler Michael, aka Nekio15. 

You will find a lot of paper models of locomotives, trains and acessories on this Japanese site, as you can see in the images above and below.

Este modelo muito bem feito da Locomotiva à Vapor Tsubame T-62 vem lá do site West Railway Japan e o modelo que você vê na foto acima foi montado pelo designer e modelista holandês Michael, aka Nekio15. 

Você encontrará um monte de trens, locomotivas e acessórios neste site japonês, como você pode ver nas imagens acima e  abaixo.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Royal Air Force Base Diorama Papercraft - by Rawen And M. Tichy

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Rawen and M. Tichy, designers of this beautiful diorama, created it as a tribute to czech pilots in RAF (Real Ais Force) during the WW2. All the pieces are in 1/250 scale and are perfect for Dioramas, School Works, RPG and Wargames.

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Rawen and M.Tichy, designers deste belo diorama, criaram isso em homenagem ao pilotos tchecos que lutaram na RAF (Força Aérea Britânica) durante a Segunda Grande Guerra. Todas as peças estão na escala 1/250 e são perfeitas para Dioramas, Trabalhos Escolares, RPGs e Wargames.


More Paper Models in 1/250 Scale related posts:

Sport Fishing Boat In 1/250 Scale - by Christian Lorenz - via Kartonbau Forum

Czech Airlines Boeing 737-400 In 1/250 Scale - by Stefno

Star Wars - Naboo Royal Starship Paper Model In 1/250 Scale - by Paper Hobby

Modern Russian Military Set In 1/250 Scale - by Ondra - via PR Models

1960`s Esso Extra Motor Oil Can Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

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More one very original paper model by Papercrafts.It. This is a replica of a colectible1960`s Esso Extra Motor Oil Can and if you print it in A3 paper, you will have a model in 1/1 scale.

Mais um modelo bem original do site Papercrafts.It. Esta é uma réplica de uma Lata de Óleo Aumotivo da Essao de 1960, um ítem colecionável. Se você imprimí-la em papel A3, terá um modelo em escala 1/1.

Link: 1960`

More 1/1 Scale Paper Models related posts:

Ultraman - Classic Ultraman Mask Paper Model - by Kuraudo3

1860`s Winchester Rifle Paper Model - by Alexander Rahirant - via Pepakura Gallery

Halloween Special - Hammer And Stakes Paper Model Set - by Ray O'Bannon

Zelda Twilight Princess Life Size Paper Doll - by Paper Juke - Assembled by Minidelirium

Minecraft - Robocop Paper Toy - by Papercrafts.It

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A cool and easy-to-build Robocop paper toy with stand in Minecraft style, created by Papercrafts.It team.

Um paper toy bem legal e fácil de montar do Robocop com stand e em estilo Minecraft, criação do pessoal do site Papercrafts.It.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel

The Crowded Teeth Island Paper Toy Diorama For Kids - by Michelle Romo - via Mr Printables

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Mr Printables says: - "Fabulous illustrator Michelle Romo is the creator of Crowded Teeth (you can read more about it on our blog here too) and she’s created this amazing printable template especially for our Mr. Printables readers. These ultra cute paper island boxes are a real treat, oh where to start…! They look so fun simply as room decoration, a paper diorama of a little island (or a group of islands – there’re 6!) with its landscape and add-on inhabitants. A small piece of Michelle’s art you can make yourself and proudly display and admire."

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Mr Printables diz: - "A fabulosa ilustradora Michelle Romo é a criadora de Crowded Teeth (você pode ler mais sobre isso em seu blog aqui) e ela criou este incrível modelo imprimível especialmente para os leitores de Mr Printables. Estas caixas ultra-fofas imitando ilhas são um verdadeiro deleite! Elas ficam ótimas simplesmente como decoração do quarto, um diorama de papel de uma pequena ilha (ou um grupo de ilhas - são 6!) Com a sua paisagem e seus habitantes. Um pequeno pedaço de arte de Michelle que você mesmo(a) pode fazer e exibir orgulhosamente."

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Link to the model:

Link to Crowded Teeth Blog main page:

More Paper Models for Kids related posts:

Dookie-Poo Arcade Set Paper Toy - by Toys Are Evil

Fairy's Thimble Theatre Papercraft - by The Toy Maker

Paper Dolls In Chibi Style by - Hetalia Papercraft - via DeviantArt

Classic Raving Rabbids Paper Toy - by Paper Juke

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Japanese Condominium House Paper Model - by Tokaworks

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This is the fifth model of the architectural series by Japanese website Tokaworks. Visit the page to download this and the other models of this series.

Este é o quinto modelo da série de modelos arquitetônicos do site japonês Tokaworks. Visite a página para baixar este e os outros modelos desta série.


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada

Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo

German Buildings And Dioramas In HO Scale - by Maerklin Kids Club

Paper Structures For Train Sets And Dioramas - by Wordsworth Model Railway

Machinarium - Little Robot Paper Model In Two Versions - by Ceemdee

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North American designer Ceemdee created two paper models of the cute little Robot from Machinarium online game. You can choose between a more simple or a more detailed model, both occupying one sheet of paper each one.

A designer norte-americana Ceemdee criou dois modelos de papel do sinpático Robozinho do game online Machinarium. Você pode escolher entre um modelo mais simples ou um mais detalhado, ambos ocupando uma folha de papel cada um.

Link to simple version:

Link to detailed version:

More Paper Models of Robots related posts:

MekTek Black Knight Papercraft - by Monkeyrum - via Deviant Art

Half-Life 2 Dog Papercraft - by GOLLUM 999 Papercraft - Robô Cão de Half-Life 2

Gundam F90 Mech - by Designers 3D Bolivia - Robô Estilo Gundam

Axioo Mecha Unit Robot Paper Toy - by Ruang Antho - Robot Mecha Toon Style

Swing From An Empty Shoe Box Project For Kids - by Krokotak

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By Russian educative website Krokotak, here is a cool project for kids, with a tutorial full of photos that dispenses words.

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Do site educativo Krokotak, da Rússia, aqui está um projeto bem legal para crianças, com um tutorial repleto de fotos que dispensa o uso de palavras.


More Papercraft Projects for Kids related posts:

The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão

Narnia Boat Cardboard Project With Templates For Kids - by Ikat Bag

The Fairy Market Playset For Kids - by The Toy Maker

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? Papercraft - by The Night Owl Mama