Monday, May 5, 2014
Six Simple Little Houses Paper Models - Assembled by Godai
My Polish friend, designer and modeler Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki built the Six Simple Little Houses, originally posted here at the blog in September 1, 2011, and post some photos in his website. You can see his nice work in the photos that ilustrate this post. - Many thanks, Godai, for the nice assembly and for the photos! Greetings from Brazil to Poland! - If you want to build your own Six Simple Little Houses and some other houses, the links are below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo polonês, o designer e modelista Bartek "Godai" Biedrzycki montou os modelos de papel das Seis Casinhas Simples, postadas aqui no blog em setembro de 2011, e postou as fotos em seu site. O resultado você pode ver nas imagens que ilustram este post - Valeu, Godai, pelas belas montagens e pelas fotos! Saudaçãoes do Brasil à Polônia! - Se você também quer montar suas próprias Casinhas Simples e algumas outras, os links se encontram logo abaixo.
Link to Six Little Houses: Six Simple Little Houses Paper Models - by Papermau - Download Now!
Link to Lunch-O-Matic Restautant: Lunch-O-Matic Restaurant Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Link to Simple Wood House: Simple Wood House Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
More Architectural Paper Models by Papermau related posts:
Fusuma Japanese House - by Papermau - Download Now!
Tents From Roman Campaign - by Papermau - Tendas Romanas
Parking Cabin Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!
Texaco Vintage Service Station Paper Model In 1/25 Scale - by Papermau - The Assembly - Part 02
Use Your Imagination!
While I work in the assembly of the Athenian Treasury, I realized that the pieces of this model can be used in many different configurations, as can be seen in the images of this post. I believe that this model will be very useful for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames. Once I finish assemble and put to download the Athenian Treasury, I will rearrange the templates to facilitate the work of those who want to create their own constructions.
Enquanto eu trabalho na montagem do Tesouro Ateniense, eu percebi que as peças deste modelo podem ser usadas em várias configurações diferentes, como pode ser visto nas imagens deste post. Eu acredito que este modelo será bem útil para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. Assim que eu terminar de montar e colocar para download o Tesouro Ateniense, irei rearranjar os templates para facilitar o trabalho daqueles que quiserem criar suas próprias construções.
paper model,
Papermau Original,
rpg game,
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - The Assembly - Part II
Today, more some advances of the Athenian Treasury paper model. I found mistakes in some tabs and folds and alredy fix it.
Hoje, mais alguns avanços do modelo de papel do Tesouro Ateniense. Eu encontrei alguns erros nas dobras e abas e já os consertei.
More soon. / Mais em breve.
More Athenian Treasury Paper Model related posts:
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - The Assembly - Part I
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
Medieval Dock Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
The Wrecked Truck Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Sci-Fi Lunar Rover Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
paper model,
Papermau Original,
rpg game,
Vietnam War - U.S. Base Watchtower Paper Model - by Olvar
This is the Vietnam War U.S. Base Watchtower, a great model full of details created by German designer Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar. This paper model was originally posted at Papiermodell Austria forum. Below you will find two links: one to download the model and other with a very detailed construction report, full of photos.
Esta é a Torre de Vigia da Base dos EUA na Guerra do Vietnã, um modelo de papel cheio de detalhes, criação do designer alemão Oliver Bizer, aka Olvar. Este modelo foi originalmente postado no forum Papiermodell Austria. Abaixo você encontrará dois links: um para baixar o modelo e outro com um detalhado passo-a-passo cheio de fotos da montagem desta torre.
Link to download the model:
Link to construction report:
More Vietnan War Paper Models related posts:
Jungle Outpost Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Krop Alexander
Cessna O1F Bird Dog Aircraft Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Paper Tiger Armaments
Douglas F3D Skyknight Aircraft - by Stahlhart
Fairchild AU-23A Peacemaker - by Best Paper Models
paper model,
rpg game,
Vietnan War,
2014`s Star Wars Day Celebration - 10 Paper Models That Will Make The Force Be With You
Star Wars Day is an unofficial holiday in May created by fans to honor the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. Observance of the holiday spread quickly due to Internet, social media, and grassroots celebrations. May 4 is considered a holiday by Star Wars fans to celebrate the franchise's films series, books and culture. The date was chosen as "May the 4th" due to its sounding similar to the series' phrase "May the Force Be With You" in which fans commonly say "May The Fourth Be With You". - In this post you will find ten paper models of Star Wars universe. Enjoy!
O Dia Mundial de Star Wars é um feriado não oficial que ocorre em maio, criado por fãs para honrar a franquia Star Wars criada por George Lucas. A celebração do feriado espalhou-se rapidamente devido à Internet, via mídias sociais e comemorações populares. O dia quatro de maio é considerado um feriado pelos fãs, que reunem-se para assistir aos filmes e falar sobre livros e a cultura Star Wars em geral. A data foi escolhida porque na língua inglesa, "May the Fourth" (numa tradução livre, "Que o Quarto Dia" - o quarto dia do mês de maio), tem sonoridade parecida com "May the Force" (Que a Força), da célebre frase "May The Force Be With You" (Que A Força Esteja Com Você). - Neste post você encontrará dez modelos de papel do universo de Star Wars. Bom divertimento!
01 - Star Wars - Darth Vader Helmet In 1/1 Scale - by Shannon - via Pepakura Gallery
02 - Star Wars - AT-AT Walker Vehicle Paper Model - by SF Papercraft
03 - Star Wars - R2-D2 Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi
04 - Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper
05 - Star Wars - Grand Master Yoda Paper Model - by Piromodel
06 - Star Wars - Alliance Pilot Paper Model - by Sean Kelly / TCF Gaming
07 - Star Wars - C-3PO & R2-D2 Paper Models - by Noturno Sukhoi
08 - Star Wars - X-Wing Fighter Red 4 In 1/48 Scale - by Dávid Pethes
09 - Star Wars - Darth Vader's Star Fighter 2.0 - by Sergey-Haker / Noturno-Sukhoi
10 - Star Wars - Sand Crawler Vehicle Paper Model - by Sci Fi Papercraft
More Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:
V - The Visitors - Skyfighter, Transport and Tanker Paper Models - by Infochaos
UFO - S.H.A.D.O. Mobile Vehicle Paper Model - by Gary Pilsworth
Battlestar Galactica - Colonial Shuttle Paper Model - by Paper Aviation
Pan Am Space Clipper Orion - by Gary Pilsworth - via DPileggi
paper model,
pop culture,
Star Wars,
tv series
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - The Assembly - Part I
Here is the first part of the assembly of the Athenian Treasury paper model. This first assembly will serve to see if all parts are correct, if the flaps are functional and the way the pieces fit together makes the construction of this model be enjoyable. As soon as I finish editing and correcting any mistakes of the Little Grego Temple, I put the model for download, as usual.
Aqui está a primeira parte da montagem do modelo de papel do Tesouro Ateniense. Essa primeira montagem vai servir para ver se todas as partes estão corretas, se as abas são funcionais e se o modo como as peças se encaixam faz com que a construção deste modelo seja agradável. Assim que eu terminar a montagem e corrigir os eventuais erros que aparecerem, coloco o modelo para download, como de costume.
I used pages from old magazines like "stuffing" to reinforce and give weight to the base. Eu usei páginas de velhas revistas como "recheio" para reforçar e dar peso à base. |
Some details of the texture. Alguns detalhes da textura. |
More soon! / Mais em breve!
More Athenian Treasury Paper Model related posts:
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
Titanic Sunk Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project
Imaginary House - by Papermau - Next Project
Los Pollos Hermanos Roadside Cafe - by Papermau - Next Project
Shulman`s Market 1941 Vignette - by Papermau - Some Advances
paper model,
Papermau Original,
rpg game,
The Weekend Pic - The Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model Assembled by Vermin King
My North American friend Vermin King built the Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model and shared some photos of his work at Paper Modelers forum. This model was originally posted here in July 13, 2011 and I think that I and Vermin King were the only ones to assemble this model. - Thanks, VK, for this nice assembly and for the photos! I am very honored by your attention to this old model! Greetings from Brazil! - If you want to build your own Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model, the link is below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo norte-americano Vermin King montou a Máscara Mortuária de Tutankamon e postou algumas fotos de seu trabalho no forum Paper Modelers. Esta máscara foi postada originalmente em 13 de julho de 2011, bem no começo do blog, e eu acho que só eu e Vermin King montamos eeste modelo. - Grato, VK, pela bela montagem e pelas fotos! Estou honrado por sua atenção para com este modelo antigo! Saudações do Brasil! - Se você também quiser montar sua própria Máscara Mortuária de Tutankamon, o link para download se encontra logo abaixo.
Link to download the model:!
Link to construction report:
About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.
Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.
More The Weekend Pics related posts:
The Weekend Pic - French Vintage Locomotive - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Agence Eureka
The Weekend Pic - 1911`s White-LKW Truck - by Horst DH / Bastelbogen Online
The Weekend Pic - Fire Brigade Truck Vintage Style - by Papermau
The Weekend Pic - Passenger-Carrying Coache - by MiZi / Paper Camera
Assembled by Friends,
paper model,
Papermau Original,
The Weekend Pic
National Gallery Of Arts Building Paper Model In 1/500 Scale - by Derrick 83 - via Le Forum En Papier
This is the National Gallery of Arts, located behind the castle of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, USA. This really beautiful paper model in 1/500 scale was created by French designer Derrick 83 and was originally posted at Le Forum En Papier, French papercraft forum.
Este é o modelo de papel da Galeria Nacional de Artes, localizada atrás do castelo do Smithsonian Institution, em Washington, EUA. Este belo modelo em escala 1/500 foi criado pelo designer francês Derrick 83 e postado no Le Forum En Papier, forum de papelmodelismo francês.
Link to download the model:
Link to costruction report:
More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Rose Hotel And Chinese Restaurant Paper Models - by Papermau
Hotel Chelsea Paper Model - by Aeon2 - Hotel Histórico Americano
New And Old World Trade Center Complex - by Tim - via Skyscraper City
Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo
1/500 scale,
paper model,
Hand Drawn Focke-Wulf Runabolt Aircraft Paper Model - by Rudolf Heger via Papiermodell Austria
Thanks to Andy Nase, from Papiermodell Austria forum, I could know about the work of German designer and modeler Rudolf Heger. His aircraft paper models are entirely designed and colorized by hand without the use of computers. It is a pleasure to note the care with shapes and painting made by Mr. Heger. In this post you can see the plans of the Focke-Wulf P VII "Runabout", a jet fighter under development in Germany at the end of World War II. Unfortunately I did not find any pictures of the assembled model. Free download easily directly from Papiermodell Austria forum. Model in 1/33 scale.
Graças à Andy Nase, do forum Papiermodell Austria eu pude conhecer o trabalho do designer e modelista alemão Rudolf Heger. Seus aviões de papel são totalmente desenhados e pintados à mão, sem o uso de computadores ou programas gráficos de qualquer espécie. É um prazer notar o cuidado com as formas e cores criadas pelo Sr. Heger. Neste post você pode ver os templates do Focke-Wulf P VII "Runabout", um jato que estava em desenvolvimento na Alemanha no final da Segunda Grande Guerra. Infelizmente eu não encontrei nenhuma foto do modelo montado. O download deste modelo na escala 1/33 é gratuíto e você pode baixá-lo facilmente direto no forum Papiermodell Austria.
More Paper models of Aircraft and Planes related posts:
Bell X-1 Supersonic Aircraft Paper Model - by Mamecraft
WW2`s Blohm Und Voss P.212. - German Prototype Aircraft - by Eric Son
WW2`s Lavochkin La-7 Soviet Aircraft - by Stahlhart
Framework Aircraft Paper Models - by Salvador Ortega Cabrera - via Zealot Forum
1/33 scale,
paper model,
Skull Puzzle Paper Model - by Apach Creátion - via La Lady Gentleman
This nice Skull Puzzle paper model was created by Apach Creátion French team and here it is presented by La Lady Gentleman website.
Este belo modelo de papel de um Crânio quebra-Cabeças foi criado plos franceses do Apach Creátion e aqui ele é apresentado pelo site La Lady Gentleman.
More Paper Models of Skulls and Skeletons related posts:
Wilbur The Worm And His Skull Puppet Paper Model - by Griffith - via Nice Paper Toys
Human Skull Paper Model - by Vincent Ignacio - via Pepakura Gallery
Skeleton Pirates Figures For RPG And Wargames - by Jim Hartman - via One Monk Miniatures
Halloween Special - Skeleton Invitations Tutorial With Templates - by Martha Stewart
paper model,
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