Monday, December 2, 2013

This Is not Paper, But...Despicable Me Minion Youth Costume Tutorial With Templates - by Craineum - via Instructables

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Craineum created this really cool Minion Youth Costume to his son and kindly shared a very well done photo tutorial with templates at Instructables.

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Craineum criou esta fantasia muito legal do Minion para seu filho e gentilmente compartilhou um tutorial repleto de fotos e com moldes no site da Instructables, para quem quiser fazer também.

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More This Is Not Paper... related posts:

Christmas Time - Advent Calendar With Match Boxes Project - by Keep It Sweet Simple

This Is Not Paper, But... - Recycling Old Tennis Ball In Pac-Man Style - by Duitang

It Is Not Paper, But... - Make A Miniature Working Light House - by Lesley Shepherd

It Is Not Paper, But... - How To Make A Ship In A Bottle - by Storm The Castle

Dia De Los Muertos - La Catrina Paper Toy - by Alicia Rubio

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La Catrina Original, de Jose Guadalupe Posada
This slender lady paper toy called Catrina is a creation by Mexican designer Alicia Rubio, from Design Factory Studio website. La Calavera Catrina (Elegant Skull) is a 1910–1913 zinc etching by famous Mexican printmaker, cartoon illustrator and lithographer Jose Guadalupe Posada. The image depicts a female skeleton dressed only in a hat befitting the upper class outfit of a European of her time. Her chapeau en attende is related to French and European styles of the early 20th century. She is meant to portray a satirization of those Mexican natives who, Posada felt, were over embracing European traditions of the aristocracy in the pre-revolutionary era. She in particular has become an icon of the Mexican Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. - Wikipedia

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Calavera Party
Esta simpática e esguia senhora é Catrina, uma criação da designer Mexicana Alicia Rubio, do site Design Factory Studio. La Catrina de los toletes, na cultura popular mexicana, é a representação humorística do esqueleto de uma dama da alta sociedade. É uma das figuras mais populares da Festa do dia dos mortos no México. A palavra catrina é a variante feminina da palabra catrín, que significa dândi em espanhol. O personagem se caracteriza como um esqueleto de mulher usando um chapéu, como distintivo da alta sociedades do início do século XX e tem uma função de memento mori destinado a lembrar que as diferenças sociais não significam nada, diante da morte. As origens da Catrina remontam às festas dos mortos pré-colombianas. Seu nome vem de La Calavera de la Catrina gravura do mexicano José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913), água-forte sobre zinco, que faz parte de uma série de calaveras (caveiras). O precursor dessas representações humorísticas de figuras contemporâneas sob a forma de esqueletos, geralmente acompanhadas de um poema, foi Manuel Manilla. - Wikipedia


More Dia de los Muertos Paper Models related posts:

Halloween Special - Dia De Los Muertos Party Paper Models - by Maureen Scance

Halloween Special - Dia de los Muertos Candy Box - by Shala Kerrigan

Halloween Special - Day Of The Dead Paper Doll - by Jacque Davis

Christmas Time - Tyrolean Christmas Crib - by Josef Bachlechner - via Paper Model Kiosk

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The Tiroler Ausschneiderkrippe (Tyrolean Cut-out Crib) by Joseph Bachlechner is part of the collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseen (Tyrolean State Museums) in Innsbruck, Austria. These postcard-size nativity sheets wouldn't just create a marvelous nativity diorama: they have also inspired woodcarvers, among them Plank Stefan Steiner who based his Anri wood-carved nativity on the Bachlechner Paper Crib. And in the Church of The Nativity in Schmirn, about 15 miles southeast of Innsbruck, are two two carved nativities influenced by the Bachlechner paper original. - Paper Model Kiosk

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O Tiroler Ausschneiderkrippe (Manjedoura Tirolesa), obra de Joseph Bachlechner, é parte da coleção do Tiroler Landesmuseen (Museus do Estado do Tirol), em Innsbruck, na Áustria. Estas folhas de cartão postal com a cena da natividade não apenas pode ser usado para criar um presépio maravilhoso como eles também têm inspirado mestres entalhadores, entre eles Plank Stefan Steiner que esculpiu todo um presépio em tamanho natural baseado nestes modelos de papel de Joseph Bachlechner. Na Igreja da Natividade, em Schmirn, a cerca de 15 km ao sudeste de Innsbruck, há dois dois presépios esculpidos influenciados pelo trabalho original de Bachlechner. - Paper Model Kiosk

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More Paper Models of Christmas Cribs and Nativity Sets related posts:

Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Celso Battistini's Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House

Christmas Time - 1900`s 3D Crib - Svatava Nativity - by Paper Model Kiosk

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Haruhi Suzumiya Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Btt Modeler

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More one beautiful and delicate paper doll in Anime style, created by Russian designer Btt Modeler, from Ani Papercraft website.

Mais uma bela e delicada paper doll em estilo Anime, criada pelo designer russo Btt Modeler, do site Ani Papercraft.

Link to download the model:

Link to Ani Papercraft main page: Ani.Papercraft.Russian.Paper.Dolls.Main.Page

More Paper Dolls in Anime Style related posts:

Ichinose Kotomi Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ani Papercraft

Snow Miku Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami

Kyoko Chan II Paper Doll Anime Style - by Ameblo - Boneca Estilo Anime

Chibi Vocaloid Paper Dolls - by Desubunny

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Volvo TP 21 SUGGA Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

The Volvo TP 21 was based on a light truck frame fitted with modified body of the Volvo PV830 taxi. The shortened wheelbase, extra large terrain tires and high ground clearance proved very effective in off-road conditions. The TP21 was produced during the years 1953-1958 for the Swedish Defense Force and used for over three decades (many as radio car). Paper model scale 1/35. - Papercrafts.It

A Volvo TP 21 foi baseado em um chassi de caminhão leve equipada com o corpo modificado do táxi Volvo PV830. A distância entre eixos é mais curta, seus grandes pneus extra largos e a elevada altura do solo provou ser muito eficaz em condições off-road. O TP21 foi produzido durante os anos de 1953-1958 para a Força de Defesa sueca e utilizado por mais de três décadas (muitos como o carro de comunicação). Modelo de papel na escala 1/35. - Papercrafts.It


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Aero Willys Brazilian Paper Car - by Hiperfanauto - Aero Willys Brasileiro

Retro Green Convertible Cubic Car - by Bryan / PrimoSpot Blog

Austin Morris Mini Pick Up Paper Car - by Kamaboko

French Furgon Stafette Paper Model - by Yvan - via Le Forum En Papier

Gift Boxes Paper Models - by Projekt Bastelbogen

German designer Boris, from Projekt Bastelbogen website, kindly shares some beautiful and easy-to-build Gift Boxes that are perfect for Christmas time.

O designer alemão Boris, do site Projekt Bastelbogen, gentilmente compartilha várias Caixinhas de presente bem fáceis de montar que são perfeitas para a época de Natal.


More Gift Boxes related posts:

Old Japanese Gift Boxes Papercrafts - by Pat Craft - via Paper Modelers

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

Mother`s Day Special - Gift Boxes - by Canon - Caixas De Presente

Giftbox For Miniatures 1:250 Scale - by Rawen

Aladdin - Princess Jasmine 3D Paper Doll - by Spoonful

From 1992`s Disney classic animation Aladdin, here is Princess Jasmine, ina a beautiful paper doll version. By Spoonfuil website.

Da animação clássica de 1992 da disney, Aladdin, eis aqui a Princesa Jasmine, em uma bela versão paper doll. Do site Spoonful.


More Paper Dolls related posts:

Playboy Blondie Girl Paper Model - by Neolxs

Yokattara Paper Doll - by Rokunoya - PSP Videogame Doll 

Yuki Paper Doll Anime Style - by Lulang 118

Chun Li Paper Esculture From Street Fighter - by Noturno

Timber Wolf Paper Model - by N.Fujio / Canon

Model Assembled and Photo by Xin Yan

The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of its family, with males averaging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females 36–38.5 kg (79–84.9 lb). It is similar in general appearance and proportions to a German shepherd, or sled dog, but has a larger head, narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail and bigger paws. Its winter fur is long and bushy, and predominantly a mottled gray in colour, although nearly pure white, red, or brown to black also occur. - read more at Gray.Wolf.Wikipedia

Lobo ou Lobo-Cinzento (Canis lupus) é o maior membro selvagem da família canidae. É um sobrevivente da Era do Gelo originário durante o Pleistoceno Superior, cerca de 300.000 anos atrás.
O seqüenciamento de DNA e estudos genéticos reafirmam que o lobo cinzento tem uma ancestralidade comum com o cão doméstico (Canis lupus familiaris). Os lobos cinzentos são tipicamente ápice predadores nos ecossistemas que ocupam. Embora não seja tão adaptável a presença humana como as espécies de canídeos mais generalistas, os lobos tem se desenvolvido em florestas temperadas, desertos, montanhas, tundras, taigas, campos e até mesmo em algumas áreas urbanas.
- leia mais em Tudo Sobre Lobos


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Firecrest and Kingfisher Birds Realistic Style - by Johan Scherft

Lobster Paper Model - by Kozin-Z - Lagosta Em Papercraft

Dobermann Pinscher Paper Model - by Wen - via Pepakura Gallery

Paper Animals - by Peramodel - Animais em Papel

Anitta - Brazilian Pop Singer Paper Toy - by Pop Quem

This is Anitta, a Brazilian pop singer. Her musical style can be defined as Brazilian Funk and calls the low-cut dress and seductive dance.

Esta é a Anitta, uma cantora pop aqui do Brasil. Ela canta o Funk Brasileiro, que é um estilo que abusa dos trajes mínimos e da dança sensual.


More Pop Singers Paper Toys related posts:

Michael Jackson Paper Models - by Cherry Plus

Lady Gaga - Born This way Paper Toy - by Rabisco Pop

Beyonce Paper Toy - Super Bowl Edition - by Rabisco Pop MTV

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kurt Cobain Papertoy - by Black Canvas

The Amazing World Of Gumball Paper Toys - by Cartoon Network Asia

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In the Asian version of the Cartoon Network website you will find five paper toy characters from The Amazing World Of Gumball animation.

Na versão asiática do site do Cartoon Network você encontrará cinco paper toys dos personagens da animação O Incrível Mundo de Gumball.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante

A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide

Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos

Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel