Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yokohama, Fukuoka And World Trade Center Towers Paper Models - by PC Maker

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Three beautiful architectural paper models ranging from 1/1000 to 1/200 and 1/300 scales, by Japanese website PC Maker. Perfect for Dioramas and School Works or just to decorate your desktop.

Três belos modelos arquitetônicos que variam entre as escalas 1/1000, 1/2000 e 1/3000, do sitew japonês PC Maker. Perfeitos para Dioramas, Trabalhos Escolares ou apenas para decorar sua mesa de trabalho.

Link to Yokohama Tower: Yokohama.Tower.Paper.Model.In.1/

Link to Fukuoka Tower: Fukuoka.Tower.Paper.Model.In.1/1000and.1/

Link to World Trade Center Towers: World.Trade.Center.Towers.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Metropolitan Life Insurance Building Paper Model In 1/1700 Scale - by Tith01ny

MetLife Building + Grand Central Terminal - by Tim01ny - via Scale Model Sketchup

Carnegie Hall Tower And Metropolitan Tower In New York City - by - Tim James 852

Church Of St Martin In Langelau - by MAGs Papiermodell

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Volkswagen Type 183 Iltis Paper Model - by Dakar Racepaper

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A very well done paper model of the The Volkswagen Type 183, aka Iltis, in 1/43 scale, created by Dakar Racepaper German website. The Volkswagen Type 183, more commonly known as the Iltis (German for Polecat), is a military vehicle built by Volkswagen for use by the German military and under licence by Bombardier for the Canadian Forces and Belgian Army. - Wikipedia

As you can see in the image below, you will find more some cool rally cars at this German page.

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Um modelo de papel muito bem feito do Volkswagen Type 183, aka Iltis, em escala 1/43, criado pela equipe do site alemão Dakar Racepaper. O Volkswagen Tipo 183, mais comumente conhecido como o Iltis (alemão para Polecat), é um veículo militar construído pela Volkswagen para o exército alemão e sob licença pela Bombardier para as Forças canadenses e do Exército belga. - Wikipedia

Como pode ser visto na imagem acima, você encontrará mais alguns veículos de rally bem legais nessa página alemã.


More Paper Models of Rally Vehicles related posts:

Dakar Rally Trucks Paper Models - by Modely Dody - via Papermodelers.Sk

Rally New Zealand Paper Model Cars And A Brilliant Stop Motion Animation - by Brother

Renault Rally 5 Turbo Paper Model - by Takumi

Volvo 850 Rally Paper Model In SD Style - by GT 40 - via Pepakura Gallery

Back To The Future - Hill Valley Paper Model Diorama - by Aurélien - via Le Forum En Papier

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More one cool and very original paper model by French designer Aurélien: this is the Hill Valley Diorama, with the City Hall, a few buildings, and, of course, the DeLorean. This model was origianlly posted at Le Forum En Papier.

Mais um modelo de papel muito original do designer francês Aurélien: este é o Diorama de Hill Valley, com a Prefeitura, mais alguns prédios, e, logicamente, o Delorean. Este modelo foi originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier.


More Diorama Paper Models related posts:

Texaco Vintage Service Station Paper Model In 1/25 Scale - by Papermau - Download Now!

Italy 1944 Diorama Paper Model In 1/35 Scale - by Best Paper Models

Auschwitz Concentration Camp Main Entrance Diorama - by Papermau Download Now!

Mars Habitat Paper Model Diorama - by Mike Hungerford

Loochik Radioactive Paper Toy - by Andrew Shulyk - via Paper Toy France

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This Loochik Radioactive Paper Toy was created by designer Andrew Shulyk and was originally posted at Paper Toy France website.

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Este paper toy, Loochik Radioactive, foi criado pelo designer Andrew Shulyk e foi originalmente postado no site Paper Toy France.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Adventure Time Mini Paper Toys - by Gus Santome

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mini Paper Toys - by Gus Santome

Batman Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Wrigley Field Baseball Stadium Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com

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 photo wiglifil000000898otri_zpsfe8ba90b.jpgWrigley Field is a baseball venue located in Chicago, Illinois, United States that has served as the home ballpark of the Chicago Cubs since 1916. It was built in 1914 as Weeghman Park for the Chicago Federal League baseball team, the Chicago Whales. It was called Cubs Park between 1920 and 1926 before being renamed for then Cubs team owner and chewing gum magnate, William Wrigley, Jr. Between 1921 and 1970, it was also the home of the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. It hosted the second annual National Hockey League Winter Classic on January 1, 2009. - Wikipedia

O Wrigley Field é um estádio de baseball localizado em Chicago, Illinois (Estados Unidos). É a casa do time de baseball Chicago Cubs, da MLB. Inaugurado em 23 de abril de 1914 para sediar os jogos do Chicago Whales (time extinto da liga local) é a casa do Cubs desde 1916 e foi a casa do time de futebol americano Chicago Bears entre 1921 e 1970. A principio chamava-se Weeghman Park, em homenagem ao dono do Chicago Whales, Charles Weeghman. O estádio passou para o Chicago Cubs e Weeghman comprou parte do time. Em 1919 o magnata da goma de mascar William Wrigley, Jr. comprou o time. De 1920 a 1925 o estádio foi chamado de Cubs Park (ainda hoje é usado como nome alternativo) e, a partir de 1925, passou a dar nome ao estádio. - Wikipedia

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More Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:

Little Store Building Desktop Model - by Papermau - Pequena Loja

RavensBlight Main Street Diorama - by Ray O`Bannon

Turkish House Paper Model - by Somodi Zoltan

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Citroën HY "Bosch" Paper Model - by Camille & Atlas 83 - via Le Forum En Papier

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More one cool Citroën HY paper model by designer Camille and textured by Atlas 83, from France. This little car with Bosch company logo was originally posted at Le Forum En Papier.

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Mais um belo Citroën HY de papel criado pelo designer Camille e texturizado por Atlas 83, ambos franceses. Este pequeno carro com o logo da Bosch foi originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier.

Link: Citroë

More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

The Redneck Motorhome - by Papermau - Download Now!

Vintage French Advertising Truck - by Agence Eureka

Mad Max Paper Cars - by Onya Papercraft

Trabant - Old East German Paper Car - by Trabant.Ca

Doll House - Bedroom Playset Diorama Papercraft - by Black Widow 12

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Girls will love this beautiful Bedroom Playset Diorama Papercraft, by Black Widow 12 website.

As meninas vão adorar este belo Quarto de Bonecas, do site Black Widow 12.


More Doll Houses and Furnitures related posts:

Dinning Table And Chairs In 1/12 Scale - by Seesaa

Paper Doll`s House Furniture - by FcCafe - Mobília para Casas De Bonecas

Vintage House Paper Model With Furniture - via Casita De Papel

Living Room Set Paper Model In 1/15 Scale - by Best Paper Models

Superbowl Player Paper Toy - by Bamboogila

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A really nice and original paper toy by Indonesian designer Christopher Ryan M Suryanto, from Bamboogila website.

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Um paper toy bem legal e original do designer indonésio Christopher Ryan M Suryanto, do site Bamboogila.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Okami - Okami Amaterasu And The Main Bosses Paper Toys - by Scarykurt

Astro Boy Paper Toy In Dumpy Style - by DiKids

Monster University - Art The Furry Monster Paper Toy - by Spoonful

A Bunch Of Funny Paper Toys - by Superibee Papercraft

Tatara Kogasa Paper Doll In Cubic Style - by Pontacerone

This cute paper doll in Cubic style called Tatara Kogasa was created by Japanese designer Pontacerone. Download the PDO format of this doll (so you can see her in 3D) to help with the assemble of the model. You will find the link to download Pepakura Viewer Free Version at the end of this post.

Esta bonequinha em eseyilo Cúbico chamada Tatara Kogasa foi criada pelo designer japonês Pontacerone. Baixe o arquivo PDO desta bonequinha (assim você poderá vê-la em 3D) para auxiliar na montagem. Você encontrará o link para baixar o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta no final deste post.

Link to download the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Asian Paper Dolls related posts:

Sanae Paper Doll Anime Style - by T Frog - Boneca Estilo Anime

Balinese Legong Dancer With Batik Paper Craft - by Paper Replika

Japanese Paper Dolls In Anime Style - via Pepakura Gallery

Gozuko Paper Doll In Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Em Estilo Anime

Halloween Special - Papier Mache Pumpkins Tutorial - by Unexpired - via Instructables - Abóbora De Papel Machê

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Unexpired, author of this cool tutorial, says: - "A fun family activity for the fall holidays, a papier mache pumpkin is excellent for Halloween or Thanksgiving decoration. The finished pumpkin can be used as a reusable jack o' lantern, candy bowl, pumpkin-top hat, door decoration, scarecrow head, etc."

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Unexpired, o autor deste tutorial muito bem feito, diz: - "Uma divertida atividade para a família, uma abóbora de papel machê é perfeita como decoração de Dia das Bruxas ou Ação de Graças. Ela pode ser usada como lanterna, como pote para doces, chapéu, decoração de porta ou cabeça de espantalho."


More Halloween Paper Model and Projects related posts:

It Is Not Paper, But... - Cheesecloth Ghosts - by Chicken Blog - Fantasma de Gazes

Halloween Special - Professor Pumkin's Boo Bus - by The Toy Maker

It Is Not Paper, But... - Rock Jack-O-Lanterns - by No Time For Flash Cards

Jack Skellington Door Decoration Papercraft - by Spoonfull