Thursday, August 16, 2012

1905`s German Bus Blumenbrett - by Bastelbogen Online


A beautiful and well done paper model of a 1905`s German Bus, by Bastelbogen Online educational website.

Um belíssimo modelo de um Ônibus Alemão de 1905, do site educacional Bastelbogen Online.

Link: 1905`

More Paper Models of Buses related posts:

Japanese Buses And Cabs - by Ibukikobo - Ônibus E Táxis Japoneses

Old Bus to Nowhere - by Papermau - Ônibus Para Lugar Nenhum

Bus Station Papercraft Diorama - by Riegel Weg - Estação de Ônibus

London Double-Decker Bus Paper Model - by Kallboys - Ônibus Londrino

Japanese Imperial Navy Midget Submarine Ko Hyoteki - by U-Don`s Factory


The Real Thing
"This is the midget submarine developed by old Japanese Imperial Navy from 1931. And Japanese navy adopted her in 1940. Her length was 23.9 meters,maximum underwater speed was 19 knots,and crews were 2 men. She was named the "Ko-Hyoteki" (It is the meaning "A-Target" in English.)as "a target for antisubmarine attack training" for counterespionage. The five "Ko-Hyoteki"were thrown into Pearl Harbour attack on December 1941. In the end, none of the "Ko-Hyoteki" Unit returned home. With the exception of Ensign Sakamaki, all 9 crew members perished. Ensign Sakamaki became a first POW of the Pacific War. "Ko-Hyoteki" had some types ,this model is the type used for the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941". - U-Don Factory


At Pearl Harbor
"Este é o mini-submarino desenvolvido pelo antiga Marinha Imperial Japonesa, em 1931. entrou em serviço em 1940. Seu comprimento era de 23,9 metros, e sua velocidade máxima era de 19 nós. era operado por dois tripulantes. Era usado em ataques e contra-espionagem. Cinco "Ko-Hyoteki" foram lançados no ataque a Pearl Harbour em dezembro de 1941. no final, nenhum dos "Ko-Hyoteki" voltou para casa. Com exceção do marinheiro Sakamaki, todos os 9 membros destes submarinos morreram. O marinheiro Sakamaki tornou-se o primeiro prisioneiro de guerra antes do início da Guerra do Pacífico. "Ko-Hyoteki" foi fabricado em várias configurações. Este modelo é do tipo utilizado para o ataque à Pearl Harbor em 1941". - U-Don Factory


More Paper models of Submarines related posts:

German Human Torpedo Neger Paper Model - by Renova Model - Mini-Submarino Torpedeiro

Tutorial - Submarine Pirate Layout - by CJ Wallas - Caverna Pirata

U.S. Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine - by U Don`s Factory

USS Skipjack Nuclear Submarine Paper Model - by Mikromodele

Little Papercraft Houses With Tutorial - by Mel&Madd - via Etsyy


"In this DIY project by Mel Stringer and Maddy Young, you’ll learn how to make your own tiny town of cozy paper houses. Use them to decorate a wedding celebration as customized place cards, clustered together as a centerpiece, or as party favors filled with a secret surprise. We’ve also included free PDF templates in four colorways which you can print out, fold up, and wow your guests". - Etsy


Com este tutorial de Mel Stringer and Maddy Young, você aprenderá como fazer delicadas casinhas de papel. Use-as para decorar mesas de festas ou como cartões personalizados, ponha-as juntas como decoração ou dê-as de presente com uma surpresa dentro. Na página do tutorial você encomtrará os modelos para baixar e imprimir estas simpáticas casinhas.


More Gifts and Decoration related posts:

Gift Box Papercraft - Hexagonal Model - by Canon

Funny Gift Boxes Papercraft - by Kirin - Caixinhas De Presente

Handmade Exploding Box Card - by Baw CraftWorx

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

1956`s Vintage Ships Paper Models - by Amis Du Musée De La Marine


Four cool vintage paper models (1956) of wooden ships, by French website Amis du Musée de la Marine.

Quatro modelos de papel de barcos antigos (1956), do site francês Amis du Musée de la Marine.


Link: 1956`ée.De.La.Marine

More Boats and Ships related posts:

Boat Cleopatra - by Waldenfont.Com - Barco Cleopatra

RMS Titanic - by Currel Graphics

Korean Turtle Ship - by How Paper Cafe - Barco de Guerra Antigo

The Dark Promise Pirate Ship - by Ravens Blight - Nau Pirata

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

René Fonck`s Spad XIII WWI Aircraft - by Patrick Pasques


René Fonk and his Spad XIII
Paul Rene Fonck (1894-1953) was the Allies' most successful fighter pilot of World War One, and also the highest-scoring survivor of the war (second only to Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron). This nice easy-to-build paper model was created by French designer and ilustrator Patrick Pasques.

Paul Rene Fonck (1894-1953) foi o mais bem sucedido piloto da Primeira Grande Guerra Mundial e detém a maior pontuação de sobrevivencia da guerra, perdendo apenas para Manfred von Richthofen, o Barão Vermelho. Este modelo de papel bem legal foi criado pelo designer e ilustrador francês Patrick Pasques.


Link: René.Fonck`

More WWI Aircraft and Planes related posts:

WWI`s Fokker E III Aircraft - by Modele Kartonowe

Sopwith F.1 Camel WW1 Plane - by Kota - Avião Biplano WW1

Triplane Fokker Dr I - by Recortecole - Avião Triplano - WWI

Albatros DrII WWI Plane - by Paper Inside - Avião da Primeira Guerra

Two New Houses In Several Scales - by Projekt Bastelbogen


The German designer Boris Voigt, from Projekt Bastelbogen website, bring to us more nice and easy-to-build paper models of houses, in several scales.

O designer alemão Boris Voigt, do site Projekt Bastelbogen, nos brinda com mais modelos de papel fáceis de montar, de casa em diversas escalas.


Link to houses in HO scale:

Link to houses in TT scale:

Link to houses in N scale:

Link to houses in Z scale:

Link to Projekt Bastelbogen main page: Projekt.Bastelbogen.Free.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Chaya Isuzu Tea Shop Paper Model - by Akafuku

ChristChurch Cathedral In New Zealand - by Canon

HobiCity Project - Urban Neighbourhood - by Hobikit Kertas

Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau

AK-47 Assault Rifle Paper Model - by Hoborginc - via DeviantArt


The Real  Thing
The AK-47 is a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle, first developed in the USSR by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is officially known as Avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: Автомат Калашникова). It is also known as a Kalashnikov, an "AK", or in Russian slang, Kalash. Design work on the AK-47 began in the last year of World War II (1945). After the war in 1946, the AK-46 was presented for official military trials. In 1947 the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army. An early development of the design was the AKS (S—Skladnoy or "folding"), which was equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. In 1949, the AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact. - Wikipedia

Ak-47 Bullet
O fuzil de assalto AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova - 47, fuzil automático Kalashnikov, modelo de 1947) surgiu na União Soviética logo após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, sendo o fuzil mais fabricado de todos os tempos. Estima-se que o número de exemplares produzidos tanto na Rússia como sob licença em países como a Bulgária, China, Hungria, Índia, Coréia do Norte, Romênia entre outros, chegue a impressionante cifra de 90 milhões. Países como a Finlândia e Israel também basearam-se no projeto deste fuzil para produzirem seus modelos M62 e Galil respectivamente. É caracterizado por sua grande rusticidade, facilidade de produção em massa, simplicidade de operação e manutenção, além de reconhecida estabilidade em baixas e altas temperaturas. Deixa a desejar nos requisitos precisão, ergonomia e peso. - Wikipedia


More Paper Models of Weapons related posts:

Revolver Colt 44 Anaconda - by Rice Cake - via Pepakura Gallery

Revolver And Pistol Paper Models - by X Diem

Indiana Jones Papercraft: Webley Mk VI Revolver - by Tektonten

Pistol Colt M1911 Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Replika

Olympus Cameras Paper Models - by Olympus Japan


Perfect replicas of cameras and lens, by Olympus Japan.

Réplicas perfeitas de câmeras e lentes, do site japonês Olympus.


More Paper Models of Cameras related posts:

Nikon Camera Papercraft - by Randy Padama - via Deviant Art

Classic Polaroid Camera Paper Toy - by Bamboogila`s Corner

Nikon F4P Paper Camera - by Nikon Fan

Fatal Frame Camera Obscura Papercraft - by Action Papercrafts

New Trailers and Vehicles Papercraft - by Projekt Bastelbogen


Nice models for kids, in HO scale, by German designer Boris, from Projekt Bastelbogen.

Modelos legais para crianças, em escala HO, do designer alemão Boris, do site Projekt Bastelbogen.



More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Porsche 911 GT1 98 Paper Car - by Mame Craft

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com

Truck Renault Premium 1/35 Scale - by Best Paper Models

Peugeot 206cc Paper Car - by Ccfreunde-Nrw.De

Abandoned Warehouse In HO Scale - by Lodka - via Le Forum En Papier


A nice paper model for RPG games or dioramas, by French designer Lodka, via Le Forum En Papier.

Um modelo legal para dioramas ou jogos de RPG, do designer francês Lodka, via Le Forum En Papier.



More HO Scale Paper Models related posts:

Crossing Tower Paper Model In HO And O Scale - by Clever Models

Six Garden Shed Little Houses - by Model Railway Scenery

Typical Japanese Shop In HO Scale - by Rail Hobidas - Lojinha Japonesa

Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada