Saturday, August 11, 2012

1935`s Tillie The Toiler Fashion Parade Paper Doll - by Marges8's Blog


The collector of these paper dolls took the time to write the dates they were originally published (1-27-1935 and 2-17-35).

O colecionador dessas bonecas de papel se deu ao trabalho de escrever as datas em que foram originalmente publicadas (27/01/1935 e 17/02/1935).

Link: 1935`'s.Blog

More Paper Dolls and Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Vintage French School Diorama - by Phillip - Diorama De Escola Francesa

Paper Model History - Uncle Tom’s Cabin Paper Dolls, Boston Sunday Globe, 1896 - via Antique Toy Chest

Paper Theater - The Temptation Of St. Anthony - by Tarot Girl - Teatro De Papel Francês

Paper Model History - 1902`s Nestlé Promotional Paper Doll - by Eichwaelder

Insane Chemical Paper Toys - by Toxic Paper Factory


The designer Procyon, from Toxic Paper Factory website has nice paper toys to download for free, such as these cool models that ilustrate this post.



More Paper Toys related posts:

Father Soap Paper Toy Vintage Advertsing - by Agence Eureka

The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy Paper Toys - by ARG Papercraft

"What Did Those Hippies Do To My Robot?!?" Paper Model - by Stellan

Tail Concerto Robot Paper Model - by Jurnal Kertas

Third Virtual Paper Model Contest - by Maquetas En Papel - Terceiro Concurso De Modelismo Em Papel


To know more about this nice Contest, take a visit at Maquetas Em Papel Facebook`s page.

Para saber mais sobre esse concurso bem legal, visite a página do Maquetas En Papel no Facebook.


The Weekend Pic - The Truck Tractor - by LeVoyou / Epson


A beautiful and clean building made by French modeler LeVoyou, of a Truck Tractor, from Epson Nakashima Racing Japanese website.

Uma bela e limpa montagem feita pelo modelista francês LeVoyou, de um Caminhão Reboque, que e´um modelo gratuíto do site japonês Epson Nakashima Racing.

Link to download the model:

Link to construction report:

About "The Weekend Pic" - It will always be an image of a free model, built by a designer found in forums, blogs or sites around the Net. I would like to ask the cooperation of all friends of the blog to indicate some models for this weekly post. The only requirement: the model needs to be freely distributed and there must be a link to this assembly or construction report.

Sobre "The Weekend Pic" - Será sempre uma imagem de um modelo gratuíto, construída por um designer achado ao acaso em foruns, blogs ou sites ao redor da Net. Eu gostaria de pedir a colaboração de todos para indicar modelos para este post semanal. A única exigência : o modelo tem que ser de livre distribuição e tem que haver um link para esta montagem, de preferência com fotos de várias etapas da montagem.

More The Weekend Pics related posts:

The Weekend Pic - The Clock Tower Diorama - by Papermau

The Weekend Pic - Passenger-Carrying Coache - by MiZi / Paper Camera

The Weekend Pic - Zulu War / 1879 Rorke`s Drift - by Oliver Bizer

The Weekend Pic - Leaning Tower Of Pisa - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Canon

DDH 181 Hyuga Carrier - by Ministry Of Defense Kids Site


Two new paper models in Ministry Of Defense Kids Site Japanese website. In the page you will find some nice military paper models, like this DDH 181 Hyuga Carrier and this Chinook CH-47J.

Dois novos modelos na página infantil do Ministério da Defesa do Japão. Lá você encontra vários modelos militares, tais como esse porta aviões DDH 181 Hyuga e esse helicóptero Chinook CH-47J.



More Military Paper Models related posts:

Japanese Aircraft Carrier IJN HOSHO Paper Model - by MegaMoonLiner

Tracked Patrol Machine Type 53 Paper Model - by Paul

WW2`s Luftwaffe Dornier 335A In SD Style - by Break Even - via Pepakura Gallery

British Tank Vickers Mk II In 1/72 and 1/48 Scales - by Alberto Perilli / Landships

Friday, August 10, 2012

Twin-Rotor Helicopter Paper Model - by Canon


The Real Thing
A helicopter is a type of aircraft which is driven by a rotor. Its engine causes the long, thin wings on its top known as a rotor to spin, helping it to lift off the ground. Compared to fixed-wing airplanes, helicopters are slow and not as fuel efficient, therefore they are only able to fly for short distances. However, their ability to freely fly vertically, backwards, and sideways, and to hover in the air, means they can take off and land even in small spaces. This means they are in wide practical use for transporting supplies, for rescue missions, and for aerial work services.This paper craft is a model of a twin-rotor helicopter, a type of helicopter with two rotors on the same axis. - Canon

Another type of  Twin-Rotor Helicopter
Helicóptero é um tipo de aeronave de asas rotativas, mais pesada que o ar, propulsada por um ou mais rotores horizontais maiores (propulsores) que, quando girados pelo motor, criam sustentação e propulsão necessárias para o voo. Devido ao fato de as pás do rotor girarem em torno de um mastro, são classificados como aeronave de asa rotativa, o que os distingue das aeronaves de asa-fixa convencional (avião). Em contraste com aeronaves de asa fixa, isso permite que o helicóptero possa decolar e pousar verticalmente, pairar e ir para frente, para trás e lateralmente. Esses atributos permitem aos helicópteros serem utilizado em áreas congestionadas ou isoladas em que as aeronaves de asa fixa não seriam capaz de pousar ou decolar. A capacidade de pairar por longos períodos de tempo e de decolagem e aterragem vertical permite aos helicópteros realizar tarefas que as aeronaves de asa fixa não podem executar. Os helicópteros foram desenvolvidos e construídos durante a primeira metade de século XX, com alguma produção e alcance limitado, mas foi só em 1942 que um helicóptero projetado por Igor Sikorsky atingiu a produção em larga escala, com 131 aeronaves construídas.


More Helicopters and Aircraft related posts:

Mi 24 Hind Helicopter 1/250 Scale - by Rawen & Tichy

Helicopters and Airplanes - by Kurukuru Packn

Bell OH-13 Sioux Helicopter In "Pin" Scale - by Chiawatkom - via Paper Modelers

Helicopter A129 Agusta Mangusta Paper Model - by Yuthdaw

Reed Organ Papercraft - by Canon - Orgão De Fole


A really beautiful and original paper model by Japanese website Canon: a Reed Organ!

Um modelo de papel realmente belo e original, do site japonês Canon: um Orgão de Fole!


More Musical Instruments related posts:

Classic Guitar - by Renova Models - Violão Clássico

Make A Pop Up Grand Piano In Minutes - by Belsey / Instructables

Drum Set Paper Model - by Canon - Bateria Completa

Violin Paper Model - by Hiroshi Chiba - via Canon

Batman Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome


Batman, one of the most beloved superheroes, and that, ironically, has no kind of super powers, get his paper toy version, with the unmistakable style of gus Santome.

Batman, um dos mais queridos super heróis, e que ironicamente, não tem nenhum tipo de super-poder, ganha sua versão mini paper toy, com o estilo inconfundível de Gus Santome.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Camo Paper Toy - by Papermau

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

Gremlins` Mohawk Paper Toy - by Sercho 05 - via DeviantArt

Funnybones - The Life-Size Paper Skeleton - by The Crafty Crow

Phante - The Elephant Paper Toy - by Bryan Rollins


This is Phante, a cool elephant paper toy, made by British designer Bryan Rollins.

Este é Phante, o elefante, um paper toy do designer britânico Bryan Rollins.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Dandy Frog Paper Toy - by Olette - via Behance

Cute Paper Toys For Kids - by Paper Box World

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Dino MiniWorld Paper Toys Adventures - by My Little House

Geoemyda Japonica Turtle Paper Model - by Konica Minolta - Tartaruga Japonesa


The Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle or Ryukyu leaf turtle, Geoemyda Japonica, is a species of turtle in the family Geoemydidae (formerly Bataguridae). It is endemic to the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. In 1975 the species was designated a National Natural Monument of Japan. It grows to approximately 5–6 inches long. In captivity it feeds on worms, snails, insects, and fruit. Due to its rarity and very attractive appearance, this species is highly coveted by turtle collectors worldwide. - Wikipedia


A Tartaruga Ryukyu de Peito Preto ou Tartaruga Folha de Ryukyu, a Geoemyda Japonica é uma espécie de tartaruga da família Geoemydidae (antiga Bataguridae). Ela é natural das Ilhas Ryukyu. em 1975 esta espécie foi designada Monumento Nacional Natural Do Japão. Elas atingen até 6 cm e se alimentam de minhocas, caramujos, insetos e frutas. Devido à sua raridade e aparência atrativa, esta espécie é altamente cobiçada por colecionadores de tartarugas em todo o mundo.

The Real Thing


More Paper Models of Animals related posts:

Japanese Insects - by Paper Museum.JP - Insetos Japoneses

Lobster Paper Model - by Kozin-Z - Lagosta Em Papercraft

Japanese Hornet Papercraft - by Kizuna Avenue - Vespa Japonesa

Sea Creatures - by Paper Museum - Criaturas Marinhas