Monday, July 30, 2012

Haunebu II And III - The Nazi Ufos - by Paper Replika - Disco-Voador Nazista


Haunebu is an alleged out of this world technology that was possessed by the Nazi in 1940s during World War II. This technology was capable to produce anti gravity flying vehicle and... - read more and download this cool paper model at Indonesian website Paper Replika

Haunebu era um projeto futurista de um disco voador com finalidades militares, criado pela então Alemanha Nazista, durante a Segunda Grande Guerra.


More Flying Saucers and Sci-Fi Paper Models related posts:

U.F.O. In A Carpark - by Gary Pilsworth - O.V.N.I. Estacionado

War Of The Worlds` Martian Tripod - by Cut & Paste

The Day The Earth Stood Still Paper Model - by Cut & Paste - O Dia Em Que A Terra Parou Papercraft

Triangle UFO Paper Model - by Seesaa

Semi-Automatic Rifle AR-15 Paper Model - by Hoborginc - Fuzil AR-15

This stunning paper model was created by North American designer Hoborginc. The AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56 mm, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle, with a rotating-lock bolt, actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke piston operation. It is manufactured with the extensive use of aluminum alloys and synthetic materials. The AR-15 was first built by ArmaLite as a selective fire assault rifle for the United States armed forces. Because of financial problems, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 design to Colt. The select-fire AR-15 entered the US military system as the M16 rifle. Colt then marketed the Colt AR-15 as a semi-automatic version of the M16 rifle for civilian sales in 1963. The name "AR-15" is a Colt registered trademark, which refers only to the semi-automatic rifle. - Wikipedia

Este modelo incrível foi criado pelo designer norte-americano Hoborginc. A AR-15 é uma carabina desenvolvida pela Armalite e depois vendida para a Colt, que a lançou sob o nome de fuzil M16, conseguindo sua adoção pelo exército dos Estados Unidos, sendo que foram realizadas modificações no projeto original, ampliando sua precisão e confiabilidade, até chegar ao atual rifle de assalto M4A1. - Wikipedia


More Paper Models of Weapons related posts:

Uzi Pistol Paper Model In 1 /1 Scale - by Bamboogila

The Mexican Paper Toy - by Stellan / I Made This

Revolver Colt King Cobra - by Cancer - via Pepakura Gallery

Revolver And Pistol Paper Models - by X Diem

Golden Fish Papercraft - by Pepachal - Peixe Dourado


A little and delicate golden fish, by Japanese site Pepachal.

Um pequeno e delicado peixinho dourado, do site japonês Pepachal.


More Aquatic Animals related posts:

Paper Aquarium - Manta Ray And Remora - by Canon

Two Different Paper Models Of Coelacanth - The Living Fossil - Celacanto

Golden Fish Papercraft - by Paper-Craft.Info - Peixe Dourado

Japanese Fish Collection - by KJ-Graphic - Peixes Japoneses

HBO Girls Paper Dolls - by Kyle Hilton - via The Paper Collector


Four characters from HBO`s original tv series Girls, made by designer Kyle Hilton, via The Paper Collector website.

Quatro personagens da série original da HBO, Girls, feitas pelo designer Kyle Hilton, via The Paper Collector.



More Tv series Paper Models related posts:

The Big Bang Theory Paper Toys - by Ditch-scrawls - Hako Paper Characters

Wilfred Paper Toy - Hako Style - by ~Ditch-scrawls

Adventure Time Paper Models - Assembled by Malu And Maiu

Futurama`s Bender Robot Papertoy - by Papersyco - via Neto Papercraft

Finale Emilia Clock Tower Paper Model - by Domatine


a new paper model by Italian site Domatine: the Finale Emilia Clock Tower, a beautiful model with great textures and in just ons sheet.

Um novo modelo de papel do site italiano Domatine: A Torre do Relógio de Finale Emilia, um belo modelo com ótimas texturas e em apenas uma folha.


More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Two Storied Building - by Somodi Zoltan - Prédio de Dois Andares

La Giralda De Sevilla Paper Model - by J. Ossorio

WW2 European Buildings - by Perry`s Heroes - Casa Européias Da Segunda Grande Guerra

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Star Wars - AT-ST Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi


The "Real" Thing
Walkers are vehicles from the Star Wars universe that traverse the landscape on mechanical legs. They are used by the Old Republic and the Galactic Empire for ground assault or transport. Throughout the saga, walkers have played a pivotal role in the fate of characters and the outcome of battles. Industrial Light and Magic is responsible for their animation and design, often using models, stop-motion animation, and relevant matte paintings to depict their presence in the films. - Wikipedia

O “AT-ST” Popularmente conhecido como "Chicken Walker" devido à sua forma de movimentar, é um veículo terrestre de combate leve projetado para patrulha e execução, capaz de atuar em diversos ambientes e pilotado por uma tripulação de dois pilotos. - Leia mais e baixe este belo modelo no site de Noturno Sukhoi.


More Star Wars Paper Models related posts:

Star Wars "AT-AT" Walker Vehicle - by SF Papercraft

Star Wars`T-47 Snowspeeder Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika

Vintage "Star Wars" Death Star Play Set - by Erik Stormtrooper

Star Wars` T-65 X-Wing Starfighter - by Cemodelazil

Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Paper Car In SD Style - by Metmania


Two nice paper models of the 1972`s Alfa Romeo GTA 1300, in a funny SD Style (super deformed style), by Japanese website Metmania.

Dois modelos de papel do Alfa Romeo GTA 1300, ano 72, em um divertido estilo SD (estilo super deformado), do site japonês Metmania.



More Cars and Vehicles In SD Style related posts:

Porsche 917K In SD Style - by Ya Demon - via Pepakura Gallery

Miura Paper Car In SD Style - By Mazda Family

Humvee Papercraft In SD Style - by Bamboogila's Corner

Alfa Romeo 155 Paper Car In SD Style - by Ya Demon

Diouck's Tattoo Paper toy - by Magicpainters Studio


A cool Tatoo Taper Toy, by French website Magicpainters Studio.

Um Paper Toy de um tatuador , do site francês Magicpainters Studio.

Link: Diouck'

More Paper Toys related posts:

Artist`s Special Paper Toys - by Toy-A-Day

Finger Puppet Paper toys - by Salazad / Happy Play

Indiana Jones Paper Toy - by Marshall Alexander

Mario Coin Automata Papercraft - by Ddi7i4d - via DeviantArt

Iron Man - Tony Stark Paper Model Mask - by Scanner Joe


Scanner Joe says: - "Recently I modeled a human head for a commision (that I'll show you in two months) and yesterday i woke up with this idea, "why not to model a Tony Stark mask?, Wouldn't it be a great gift for RDJ and IRONMAN fans?", well voala, here it is, enjoy it!"


More Paper Models of Masks related posts:

Assassin`s Creed Hellequin Mask - by Winged Crafts - Máscara de Arlequim

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Slipknot - Mick Thompson Mask Papercraft - by ZRP Papercrafter

Anatomy Head Paper Model - by Bert Simons - Cabeça Anatômica

Tutankamon`s Death Mask Paper Model - by Papermau - Máscara de Tutankamon