Friday, June 29, 2012

Matryoshka - Russian Paper Dolls - by Canon - Bonecas Russas


The original matryoshka , 1892 
Matryoshka doll refers to a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. The first Russian nested doll set was carved in 1890 by Vasily Zvyozdochkin from a design by Sergey Malyutin, who was a folk crafts painter at Abramtsevo. Traditionally the outer layer is a woman, dressed in a sarafan, a long and shapeless traditional Russian peasant jumper dress. The figures inside may be of either gender; the smallest, innermost doll is typically a baby lathed from a single piece of wood. Much of the artistry is in the painting of each doll, which can be very elaborate. The dolls often follow a theme, aside from the typical traditional peasant girls, the themes vary, from fairy tale characters to Soviet leaders. - Wikipedia

Several Russian politicians depicted
 in matryoshka form.
Matrioshka, a boneca russa, é um brinquedo tradicional da Rússia, constituída por uma série de bonecas, feitas de diversos materiais, que são colocadas umas dentro das outras, da maior (exterior) até a menor (a única que não é oca). A palavra provém do diminutivo do nome próprio Matryona.
O número de figuras que se conseguem encaixar é, geralmente de 6 ou 7, ainda que existam algumas com um número impressionante de peças. A sua forma é simples, mais ou menos cilíndrica e arredondada e mais estreita na parte superior, onde se situa a cabeça da boneca. Outra característica que diferencia as diversas peças são as figuras que encarnam: desde figuras femininas vestidas com trajes tradicionais campesinos, a personagens de contos de fadas, até aos antigos líderes da União Soviética. - Wikipedia


More Traditional and Decorative Paper Toys related posts:

Chinese Dragon Papercraft - by Tina Kraus - Dragão Chinês

Chinese Lantern Papercraft - by Canon - Lanterna Chinesa

Chinese Lion Dance Papercraft - by Canon - Leão Dançarino Chines

Kakuandon - Papercraft Lamp - by Luyomi333 - Abajur De Papel

Paper Model History - 1902`s Nestlé Promotional Paper Doll - by Eichwaelder


A really old paper model, a cool vintage Nestlé promotional paper doll. In the paper model is written: "35 years of success!". This lactic meal for kids began to be sold in 1867, so this paper model was printed in 1902!

Um modelo realmente antigo de uma boneca de papel promocional da Nestlé. No folheto está escrito em alemão: "35 anos de sucesso!", então como esta refeição láctea para crianças (a famosa Farinha Láctea Nestlé), começou a ser produzida em 1867, esse modelo foi impresso originalmente em 1902!

Link: 1902`s.Nestlé

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

Maharaja's Elephant Paper Toy - by Agence Eureka - via Tektonten

Father Soap Paper Toy Vintage Advertsing - by Agence Eureka

1948`s German Train Station - by Micky The Pixel

Vintage Japanese Tatebanko - by John Wagenseil - via Paper Modelers - Tatebanko Japonês

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mercury Capsule In 1/24 Scale - by Ton - via J.Leslie48


A perfect replica in paper of the Mercury Capsule, in 1/24 scale, by designer Ton, via J.Leslie48.

Uma réplica perfeita em papel da Capsula Mercury, na escala 1/24, do designer Ton, via J.Leslie48.

Link to the model: Mercury.Capsule.In.1/

Link to J.Leslie48 main page: J.Leslie48.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Space Paper Models related posts:

Astronaut Paper Model - by Julius Perdana - Paper Replika

Apollo Lunar Module - by U-Don`s Factory - Módulo Lunar Apollo

USA`s Orion Spacecraft In Several Configurations - by Pe2tr

Mars Polar Lander In 1/24 Scale - by Nasa.Gov

Honeydew - The Dwarf Paper Toy - by Alexander Gwynne


"Honeydew is a dwarf, so he likes doing dwarf stuff, like drinking, eating and digging". - Alexander Gwynne

"Honeydew é um anão / duende, então ele gosta de fazer coisas de duende, tais como, encher a cara, comer bem e cavar". - Alexander Gwynne


More Paper Toys related posts:

Puss In Boots Papercraft - by Paper Juke

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

Adventure Time - Two Warrior Princesses Paper Toys - by Triz

Wolverine Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Baseball Caps Series One - by Sinner - Bonés De Baseball


A coll paper model series of Baseball Caps, by designer Sinner.

Uma série bem bacana de Bonés de Baseball, todos de papel, do designer Sinner.


More Caps, Hats and Helmets related posts:

Stahlhelm German Helmet Paper Model In 1 / 1 Scale - by D Mind

Predator Head Papercraft In 1 / 1 Scale - by Noturno Sukhoi

Batman - Dark Knight Cowl Papercraft - by Matthew Shane - via Tektonten

WW2`s Afrika Korps Pith Helmet In 1 / 1 Scale - by D-Mind

Valentina - Italian Paper Doll - by Zio Prudenzio - Boneca Italiana


Here is Valentina, a really beautiful paper doll, by Italian designer Fabrizio Prudenziati, from Zio Prudenzio website.

Eis aqui Valentina, uma bela boneca de papel, do designer italiano Fabrizio Prudenziati, do site Zio Prudenzio.


More Paper Dolls related posts:

Nanami Paper Doll - by Comport - via Pepakura Gallery

Disney`s Tinker Bell Paper Doll - by Julius Perdana / Paper Replika

Vita Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami - Boneca Estilo Anime

Meirin Paper Doll Anime Style - by T Frog

Alfa Romeo 155 Paper Car In SD Style - by Ya Demon


A nice Alfa Romeo 155 Rally paper car in SD Style (super deformed style), by Japanese designer Ya Demon, via Pepakura Gallery. To view this model and print it, you need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Um modelo bem legal de um Alfa Romeo 155 Rally, em estilo SD (super deformado), do designer japonês Ya Demon, via Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo, você precisa do programa gratuíto Pepakura Viewer (o link para baixá-lo você encontra no final deste post).


Link to the model:

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Custom Rally Paper Cars - by Brother New Zealand

Nascar Racing Paper Cars - by Nascar Paper Models

Battle Dash Papercraft - by Epson Japan

Mitsubishi Toppo BJ Harty Ran Paper Car - by Marubun

Personal Computer Commodore PET 2001 - by Home Computer Museum


The Real Thing
The Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) was a home/personal computer produced from 1977 by Commodore International. A top-seller in the Canadian and United States educational markets, it was Commodore's first full-featured computer, and formed the basis for their entire 8-bit product line. - Wikipedia

O PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) foi um microcomputador/computador doméstico produzido pela Commodore a partir do final da década de 1970. Embora não tenha sido um grande sucesso de vendas fora dos mercados educacionais do Canadá, Estados Unidos e Reino Unido, foi o primeiro computador completo produzido pela Commodore e se constituiria na base para o futuro sucesso da empresa. - Wikipedia


More Computers and Technology related posts:

The Macintosh Papercraft - by The Burn Lab - Computador Mac Em Papel

Commodore SX-64 First Portable PC - by Erik Schubach

Apple I and Apple II PCs - by Julius Perdana - Paper-Replika

IBM 5100 Portable Computer Paper Model - by Casita De Papel

Pop Up Card From Vintage French Cutouts - by Extreme Cards


A beautiful Pop Up Card, with a very detailed tutorial, made using a vintage French paper model, by Extreme Cards website.

Um belo Cartão estilo Pop Up, com um tutorial muito bem detalhado, feito com um antigo modelo de papel francês, do site Extreme Cards.



More Pop Up Paper Models related posts:

Pop Up Heart Papercraft - by Popupology

Pop Up Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Dr. Jose Melian Rodriguez

St. Paul's Pop Up Paper Cathedral - by Popupology

Pop Up Cards For Kids - by Japan Post - Cartões Pop Up