A really beautiful paper model of a Coat of Arms, from World of Warcrat videogame with 60 cm x 40 cm, by designer Apocalipsis, from Hobbywow website.
Um modelo de papel realmente belo de um Escudo de Armas, de 60 cm x 40 cm, tirado do jogo World of Warcraft, feito pelo designer Apocalipsis, do site Hobbywow.
A simple Mercator Projection Terrestrial Globe, by Japanese designer Tmok, via Pepakura Gallery. To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Um simples Globo Terrestre no estilo Projeção de Mercator, do designer japonês Tmok, via Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisa do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
The Templates: Just One Papge For The Two Globes
Mercator World Map - 1569
The Mercator Projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for nautical purposes because of its ability to represent lines of constant course, known as rhumb lines or loxodromes, as straight segments. While the linear scale is equal in all directions around any point, thus preserving the angles and the shapes of small objects (which makes the projection conformal), the Mercator Projection distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles, where it becomes infinite. - Wikipedia
A Projeção de Mercator foi apresentada em 1569 pelo cosmógrafo e cartógrafo flamengo Gerard de Kremer ou Cremer (em latim, Gerardus Mercator), através de um grande planisfério medindo 250cm x 128cm, constituído por dezoito folhas, impressas separadamente. Tal como em todas as projeções cilíndricas, os meridianos e paralelos são representados por segmentos de reta perpendiculares entre si, e os meridianos são paralelos. Essa geometria faz com que a superfície da Terra seja deformada na direção leste-oeste, tanto mais quanto maior for a latitude. - Wikipedia
A beautiful and not so easy-to-build paper model of a revolver, the Smith & Wesson Magnum 38,in 1/1 scale, by Japanese designer Kamikuzu, via Pepakura Gallery. To view and print this model you will need the Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link to download this program at the end of this post).
Um belo modelo não muito fácil de montar de um revolver Smith & Wesson Magnum 38, na escala 1/1, do designer japonês Kamikuzu, via Pepakura Gallery. Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você vai precisar do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link para download no final deste post).
Over 35 years ago, artist Scott Weaver began work on a complex kinetic sculpture, "Rolling through the Bay", that he continues to modify and expand on. The elaborate sculpture is comprised of multiple 'tours' that move pingpong balls through neighborhoods, historical locations, and iconic symbols of San Francisco, all recreated with glue, toothpicks, and an incredible amount of ingenuity. Weaver estimates he’s spent over 3,000 hours on the project using toothpicks from around the world:
-"I have used different brands of toothpicks depending on what I am building. I also have many friends and family members that collect toothpicks in their travels for me. For example, some of the trees in Golden Gate Park are made from toothpicks from Kenya, Morocco, Spain, West Germany and Italy. The heart inside the Palace of Fine Arts is made out of toothpicks people threw at our wedding". - Scott Weaver
Há 35 anos, o artista Scott Weaver trabalha em uma complexa escultura cinética, a "Rolling through the Bay", ou "Rolando pela Baía", literalmente, que ele continua a modificar e expandir. A escultura é formada por vários trilhos, onde bolas de ping-pong passam por diversos pontos turísticos e símbolos icônicos da cidade de São Francisco, na Califórnia, todos recriados com cola comum, palitos de dentes e uma incrível engenhosidade. Weaver acredita ter gasto por volta de 3.000 horas de sua vida no seu projeto, usando palitos de dentes de todas as partes do mundo:
-"Eu uso diferentes marcas de palitos, dependendo do que estou construindo. Meus amigos e familiares me presenteiam com palitos de várias partes do mundo, trazidos de suas viagens. - leia mais em shangralafamilyfun.com - Scott Weaver
The Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka (Cherry Blossom), was a purpose-built, rocket powered human-guided anti-shipping kamikaze attack plane employed by Japan towards the end of World War II. United States sailors gave the aircraft the nickname Baka (Japanese for "fool" or "idiot"). The MXY-7 Navy Suicide Attacker Ohka was a manned flying bomb that was usually carried underneath a Mitsubishi G4M2e "Betty" Model 24J bomber to within range of its target; on release, the pilot would first glide towards the target and when close enough he would fire the Ohka's three solid-fuel rockets, one at a time or in unison, and fly the missile towards the ship that he intended to destroy. - Wikipedia
K1 Ohka Trainer, in the National Museum of the US Air Force
O avião de ataque Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka (Flor de Cerejeira), foi um avião-foguete guiado por um piloto-kamikase, empregado pelo Japão para atacar principalmente porta-aviões aliados no fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Marinheiros dos Estados Unidos deram ao avião o apelido de Baka ("bobo" ou "idiota" em japonês).