Monday, March 26, 2012

Palazzo Auditore From Assassin`s Creed - by Papermau


A very easy-to-build paper model of the Palazzo Auditore, from Assassin`s Creed videogame. A simple building, in just one sheet, but with nice textures.


Um paper model bem fácil de montar do Palazzo Auditore, do jogo de videogame Assassin`s Creed. Um modelo bem simples, em apenas uma folha, mas com belas texturas.


Download: Palazzo.Auditore.From.Assassin`

More Papermau`s Exclusive Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Suburbia Diorama - by Papermau - Download Now!

Route 66 Abandoned Gas Station - by Papermau - Download Now!

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Desktop Architecture In A Box - by Papermau


A nice way to use the Desktop Architecture Series 2 little buildings: put it in a frame. It gets even better if you put a landscape in the background.

Um jeito legal de se usar os prédiozinhos do Desktop Architecture Series 2: coloque-os em uma moldura. fica melhor se você colocar uma paisagem ao fundo.



More Desktop Architecture related posts:

Desktop Architecture - Series 01 - part 01 - by Papermau

Desktop Architecture - Series 01 - part 02

Desktop Architecture - Series 03 - by Papermau

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau

How To Make Led Papercraft Lamps - by Mike B - via Instructables


A very well detailed tutorial with several photos that teaches how to make a Papercrat Lamp using just four Led lamps. Templates included. Nice project!

Um tutorial super detalhado ensinando como fazer uma luminária/abajur de papel, usando apenas 4 lâmpadas tipo Led. Você pode baixar os modelos em várias cores. Tutorial em Inglês. Um belo projeto!



More Tutorials related posts:

Tutorial - Chinese Lanterns from Paper Cups - by Paper Kawaii - Como Fazer Lanternas Chinesas Com Copos De Papel

Tutorial - Submarine Pirate Layout - by CJ Wallas - Caverna Pirata

Tutorial - How To Make A Paper Model - Part 01 - Sketchup

Renova Models Classic Guitar Assembly - by Ze Reis - Tutorial

Indiana Jones Paper Toy - by Marshall Alexander

A cool paper toy of Indiana Jones, main character of Raiders Of The Lost Ark movie. Designed by Dutch artist Marshall Alexander.



More Paper Toys, Movies and Series related posts:

Batman Papercraft Animation Style - via Tektonten

The Big Bang Theory Paper Toys - by Ditch-scrawls - Hako Paper Characters

Wilfred Paper Toy - Hako Style - by ~Ditch-scrawls

Jack Sparrow Paper Toy - Hako Style - by Ditch-scrawls

Cam & Maggie Papercarft Puppets - by Creative Girl


I got to create the four characters that users can download for free. The original artwork was illustrated by the talented Mr. Alberto Cerriteño and then turned into puppets to create a series of short video's for Intel around the concept of Context-Aware Computing. The video's are awesome and I just love the life size puppets too! They are so cute and look great on my desk.

Estes bonecos foram desenhados por Alberto Cerriteño e transformados em papel por Creative Girl para uma campanha publicitária da Intel.

Link: Cam.&

More Paper Toys related posts:

Vintage Paper Dolls - by Centsprent - Via Picasa Web

Funny Animals Paper Models - by Jikanbou

Brammy Duck Videogame Character - by Wick Meryl Ho

Happy Little Beanie Guy Paper Toy Gift Box - by Jacque Davis

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Danish Train Station Paper Model - by Skala N - Estação De Trens Dinamarquesa


Here a beautiful free paper model of a real train station in Denmark. Builded in 1909, Det Gule Palæ Station is here now to download, in 1/160 scale.

The Real Thing - 1964

Aqui um belo modelo de uma estação de trens real da Dinamarca. Construída em 1909, a Estação Det Gule Palæ agora está disponível para download, em escala 1/160.

The Real Thing - Today


More 1/160 Scale Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Swedish Railway Museum In Hennan - by Berner Modellbautreff - Museu Ferroviário Sueco

German Station In 1/160 Scale - by Michael Hochmuth - Estação Alemã

Cooder`s Place General Store - by Evan Design - Armazém De Beira De Estrada

Gr.691 Locomotive - 1/160 Scale - by Zio Prudenzio - Locomotiva Antiga

The Tithe Barn Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Roger Pattenden


This Barn (1506), which celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2006, was part of the farmyard of Headstone Manor, standing just outside the moat which surrounds the Manor House. At the time it was built, the estate was still owned by the Church, and the Manor House was used by the Archbishop of Canterbury and his household when on tour. The Barn was used for storing produce paid by tenants to the Church in rent, (hence the name Tithe), and for stabling horses and storing provisions when the Archbishop visited. Records show that the cost of building the barn in 1506 was £44 11s 8½d. The timber frame is built on a low brick base. The walls are rendered with plaster inside and boards outside, and the roof is of clay tiles. Restored in 1973, the Barn is now a Grade II listed building. If you want to know more about this historic buiding, please visit: Harrowarts Museum

The Real Thing

Link: The.Tithe.Barn.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Desktop Architecture - Serie 01 - part 01 - by Papermau

Old Yellow House - by Papermau - Velha Casa Amarela

Red Dog Saloon - by Papermau - Saloon do Cão Vermelho

Denmark Paper Houses - by Solvang Privatbane - Casas Dinamarquesas

3-D Easter Egg Diorama - by HP Creative Studio - Diorama 3D De Páscoa

A nice decoration to your Easter, by HP Creative Studio.

Uma bela decoração para sua Páscoa, do site HP Creative Studio.



More Celebration Dates Paper Models:

Tutorial - Chinese New Year Fan - by Crafts Kaboose - Leque Chinês de Ano Novo

New Decorative Paper Stars - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Halloween Special - Complete Halloween Party Kit - by Kirin

Halloween Special - Ghost Party Diorama - by YPS Fan Page

Totem Pole Papercraft - by Glitschka Studios - Totem Indígena


Some Real Things
A totem is a stipulated ancestor of a group of people, such as a family, clan, group, lineage, or tribe. Totems support larger groups than the individual person. In kinship and descent, if the apical ancestor of a clan is nonhuman, it is called a totem. Normally this belief is accompanied by a totemic myth. Although the term is of Ojibwe origin in North America, totemistic beliefs are not limited to Native Americans. Similar totem-like beliefs have been historically present in societies throughout much of the world, including Africa, Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the Arctic polar region. In modern times, some single individuals, not otherwise involved in the practice of a tribal religion, have chosen to adopt a personal spirit animal helper, which has special meaning to them, and may refer to this as a totem. This non-traditional usage of the term is prevalent in the New Age movement and the mythopoetic men's movement. - Wikipedia

Um totem ou tóteme é qualquer objeto, animal ou planta que seja cultuado como Deus ou equivalente por uma sociedade organizada em torno de um símbolo ou por uma religião, a qual é denominada totemismo.  Por definição religiosa podemos afirmar que é uma etiqueta coletiva tribal, que tem um caráter religioso. É em relação a ele que as coisas são classificadas em sagradas ou profanas. 
A palavra totem deriva de 'dodaim', que significa aldeia ou residência de um grupo familiar". - Wikipedia


More Religion and Culture related posts:

Asian Good Luck Amulets - by Canon - Objetos Da Sorte Asiáticos

Moai Statues of Easter Island, Chile - by Canon - Estátuas Moai

Temple Of Horus - by Thomas Pleiner - Templo de Hórus

Hindu Myth Paper Model - by PDF Land - Mito Hindú Da Criação

How to Make A Pop-Up Photograph - by Wiki How - Foto Pop-Up 3D


"Making your favorite photo into a Pop-up is fun and relatively easy. Pop-up your family, your pet, your best friend, or even your own imaginary scene using magazine cut-outs and drawings". - Wiki How

"Transformar sua foto favorita em um Pop-up é divertido e não tão difícil. "Pop-up" sua família, seu bichinho de estimação, seu/sua melhor amigo(a), ou até seu próprio cenário imaginário usando recortes de revistas e pinturas". - Wiki How


More Pop-Up Paper Projects related posts:

Egyptian Guys 3D Pop-Up - by Papermau

Pop-Up Greetings Cards - by Yamaha.Japan - Cartões Pop-Up

Pop-Up Origamic Architecture Skull - by Extreme Cards

Pop Up Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Dr. Jose Melian Rodriguez

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lunch-O-Matic Restaurant Paper Model - by Papermau

As part of the restructuring and cleaning of the blog also following a request by David, a friend of the blog, today I post here a model originally published in March, 2012. Here a little (just one page) and easy-to-build paper model of an imaginary restaurant, in 1/35 scale. On the archive you will find more two little buildings and a blank template, to you design your own little house.

Como parte da reestruturação e limpeza do blog e também atendendo um pedido do David, um amigo do blog, hoje posto aqui um modelo originalmente publicado em Março de 2012. Eis aqui um pequeno (apenas uma folha) restaurante imaginário, fácil de montar e na escala 1/35. No arquivo .rar você também encontrará mais dois pequenos prédios e um template em branco, para que você mesmo decore sua casinha.

Link to Restaurant:!

Link to Wood House:!

Link to Purple House:!

Link to Blank House:!

More Architetural Paper Models related posts:

European Tower Bridge - by Papermau - Torre Sobre Ponte Européia

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Roman Castrum In Romania - by Papermau - Download Now!

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip


The Real Thing
Run–D.M.C. was an American hip hop group from Hollis, Queens, New York, founded by Joseph "Run" Simmons, Darryl "D.M.C." McDaniels, and Jason "Jam-Master Jay" Mizell. The group is widely acknowledged as one of the most influential acts in the history of hip hop culture. Run–D.M.C. were one of the most well-known hip hop acts in the 1980s, who along with LL Cool J, signified the advent of the new school of hip hop music. They were the first group in the genre to have a gold album (Run–D.M.C., 1984) and be nominated for a Grammy Award. They were the first to earn a platinum record (King of Rock, 1985), the first to earn a multi-platinum certification (Raising Hell, 1986) the first to have videos on MTV, the first to appear on American Bandstand and the cover of Rolling Stone. - Wikipedia


Run-D.M.C. (ou Run DMC), foi uma banda de hip hop fundada por Jason "Jam-Master Jay" Mizell, Joseph "DJ Run" Simmons e Darryl "D.M.C." McDaniels. O grupo teve um enorme impacto no desenvolvimento do hip hop nos anos 80 e é considerado a ponte entre a velha escola representada por Grandmaster Flash e outros e a era moderna do hip-hop. Foram incluídos no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame em 2009, fazendo deles o segundo grupo de hip hop a entrar para o Hall da Fama, sendo que o primeiro foi Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. - Wikipedia

Take a look at this video with Rum DMC and Aerosmith playing the classic "Walk This Way":


More Music related posts:

Michael Jackson Paper Models - by Cherry Plus

Rock`n`Roll Circus -The Beatles Paper Models - by Toy-a-day

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss - Hako Style - by Homespun Magixx

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Ramones Kombi - by Papermau

Stegosaurus Skeleton Paper Model - by Torimusi


The Real Thing
Stegosaurus, meaning "roof lizard" or "covered lizard" in reference to its bony plates, is a genus of armored stegosaurid dinosaur. They lived during the Late Jurassic period (Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian), some 155 to 150 million years ago in what is now western North America. In 2006, a specimen of Stegosaurus was announced from Portugal, showing that they were present in Europe as well. Due to its distinctive tail spikes and plates, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs. At least three species have been identified in the upper Morrison Formation and are known from the remains of about 80 individuals. A large, heavily built, herbivorous quadruped, Stegosaurus had a distinctive and unusual posture, with a heavily rounded back, short forelimbs, head held low to the ground and a stiffened tail held high in the air. Its array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation. The spikes were most likely used for defense, while the plates have also been proposed as a defensive mechanism, as well as having display and thermoregulatory functions. Stegosaurus had a relatively low brain-to-body mass ratio. It had a short neck and small head, meaning it most likely ate low-lying bushes and shrubs. It was the largest of all the stegosaurians (bigger than genera such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus) and, although roughly bus-sized, it nonetheless shared many anatomical features (including the tail spines and plates) with the other stegosaurian genera. - Wikipedia

Artistic Interpretation Of A Stegosaurus
O Estegossauro cujo nome significa "lagarto telhado" viveu há aproximadamente 200 milhões de anos atrás e recebeu esse nome porque pensava-se que suas placas ósseas protetoras eram dispostas como as telhas e um telhado. Hoje sabe-se que elas ficavam em pé ao longo da coluna vertebral, fixadas na pele duríssima e não no esqueleto. Há diversas teorias sobre a utilização dessas placas: como armadura ou talvez como reguladores térmicos, esquentando ou esfriando o corpo do Estegossauro conforme sua posição ao sol ou ao vento. Há também a possibilidade de estas placas terem sido usadas para a exibição, assim, quando um predador atacava ou um parceiro era encontrado, o Estegossauro bombeava sangue para as placas e elas tornavam-se mais vivas e vermelhas o que seduzia o parceiro ou amedrontava o atacante. O corpo desse animal era maciço e a cauda extremamente musculosa era a sua arma de ataque, já que contava com quatro espinhos ósseos de 50 centímetros a 1 metro de comprimento. O pescoço terminava numa cabeça absurdamente pequena, de apenas 40cm, comportando um cérebro do tamanho de uma noz. Quando o Estegossauro estava em perigo, curvava a cabeça para baixo, protegendo-a com sua nuca repleta de placas e ao mesmo tempo aplicava fortes golpes laterais com a cauda. Várias espécies de Estegossauro viveram na América do Norte. Alguns eram mais primitivos e tinham as placas menores e mais pontiagudas. -


More Paper Models of Dinosaurs related posts:

Tiranossaurus Rex Fossil Paper Model - by Paper M Japan

Dinosaur Papercraft - Allosaurus - by Canon - Alossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Dinosaur Papercraft - Stegosaurs - by Canon - Estegossauro - Dinossauro De Papel

Two Different Paper Models Of Coelacanth - The Living Fossil - Celacanto