Sunday, July 17, 2022

Pinball Machine Papercraf For Kids - by M.Yukishita & UPLIFT

Occupying nine printed sheets, this pinball game papercraft was created by Japanese designers M.Yukishita and UPLIFT, exclusively for Canon website. 

"A pinball game where you play with rubber bands and marbles. You can enjoy by setting your favorite rules such as the length of play time and the number of points earned." - M.Yukishita and UPLIFT

Ocupando nove folhas impressas, este papercraft de um jogo de pinball foi criado pelos designers japoneses M.Yukishita e UPLIFT, exclusivamente para o site da Canon. 

"Um jogo de pinball onde você joga com elásticos e bolinhas de gude. Você pode brincar definindo suas regras favoritas, como a duração do tempo de jogo e o número de pontos ganhos." - M.Yukishita and UPLIFT


More Papercraf Games For Kids related posts:

MBBYs - MechaBunny Custom Paper Toy Series - by Nick Knite

The MBBYs are a personal series and simplified custom created by Nick Knite for the MechaBunny original paper toy.

Os MBBYs são uma série pessoal e personalizada criada por Nick Knite para o paper toy original MechaBunny.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Rum DMC Paper Toys - by Photoshop Vip

Wolverine Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome

Workers Paper Toys - by Dale Harper / Telman - Paper Toys De Profissões

Urfin`s Wooden Soldier Paper Toy - by Paper Aviation - Soldado De Madeira

Hadrian's Wall Playset Paper Model For School Works, Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Chris Schweizer

Chris Schweizer, an Eisner Award, YALSA, and Stumptown Award-nominated cartoonist, the designer of this cool playset, said: 

"I've been reading a lot of early middle ages stuff and a lot of Roman stuff lately so I figured the best way to split the difference was to do a Roman occupation of northern Britain set. 

Here's a two-page set to adorn your bookshelf / spice up your fourth grade social studies diorama project / enliven your RPG game / make you glad you don't live nineteen hundred years ago."

Chris Schweizer, vencedor do prêmio Eisner, YALSA e cartunista nomeado pela Stumptown Award, designer deste playset bem legal, disse:  

"Eu tenho lido muitas coisas da Idade Média e muita coisa romana ultimamente, então pensei que a melhor maneira de compartilhar isso seria fazendo uma ocupação romana do norte da Grã-Bretanha

Aqui está um conjunto de duas páginas para decorar sua estante de livros / incrementar seu diorama de estudos sociais de quarta série / animar seu jogo de RPG / fazer você ficar feliz por não viver mil e novecentos anos atrás."

Link: Hadrian'

More Playset Paper Models related posts:

The Muppet Theater Playset - by Disney Family - O Teatro De Papel Dos Muppets

Star Wars` Vintage Hoth Ice With AT-AT Adventure Set - by Erick Stromtrooper

Wreck-It Ralph Playset Diorama Paper Model - by Spoonfull

The Great Cardboard Castle Project - by Spoonful - O Grande Projeto Do Castelo De Papelão

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Slovak Mansion In Majerovce Paper Model In 1/160 Scale - by Quasi
via Papermodelers Sk

Occupying three sheets of paper, this very well done model in 1/160 scale of a Slovak Mansion in Majerovce was created by Slovak designer Quasi and was originally posted at Papermodelers Sk forum.

Ocupando três folhas de papel, este modelo muito bem feito de uma Mansão Eslovaca em Majerovce, na escala 1/160, foi criado pelo designer eslovaco Quasi e foi originalmente postado no fórum Papermodelers Sk.

Link: Slovak.Mansion.In.Majerovce.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now

One Sheet Little Paper Villa - by Gunnar Sillén - Vila de Papel

French Gothic Cathedral - by Jump If Not Zero - Catedral Gótica

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Colonial Brazilian Churches

Easy-To-Build Miniature Papercraft Trains For Kids - by Biwako

Here are two easy-to-build papercraft trains for kids, offered by Biwako, a Japanese website.

Aqui estão dois papercrafts de trens bem fáceis de montar, oferecidos por Biwako, um site do Japão.


More Paper Models of Trains and Locomotives related posts:

Four Russian Trains HO Scale - by Mobuka - Trens Russos

Freight Wagon And Acessories HO Scale - by Schaalbouw

Japanese Trains HO Scale - by West Jr.Co - Trens Japoneses

Locomotive E633 Paper Model 1:160 Scale - by Zio Prudenzio

Friday, July 15, 2022

Doctor Who - The Unit Headquarter Playset Paper Model
by Action Figure Theatre

From the classic Sci-Fi tv series Doctor Who, this is the Unit Headquarter facade, such as it appears in the episode T"he Three Doctors"

This beautiful playset paper model was created by British designer Philip Lawrence, from Action Figure Theatre website. This playset was made for action figures in 3/75" scale.

Da série clássica de ficção Científica Doctor Who, esta é a fachada da Unit Headquarter, tal qual ela aparece no episódio "Os Três Doutores"

Este belo playset de papel foi criado pelo designer britânico Philip Lawrence, do site Action Figure Theatre. Este modelo foi feito para action figures na escala 3/75".
