Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Christmas Time - Nativity Set Paper Model Collection - Part 01

Since 2011 I've posted more than 65 paper models of Christmas Cribs/Christmas Nativity scenes

In these series of posts starting today I will show them again, as a way to facilitate the search for those who appreciate this kind of Christmas decoration.

Desde 2011 eu já postei mais de 65 modelos de papel de Presépios de Natal

Nesta série de posts que começa hoje eu irei postá-los novamente, como um modo de facilitar a busca para aqueles que apreciam esta tipo de decoração natalina.

Link 01:
Christmas Time - 1900`s 3D Crib - Svatava Nativity - by Paper Model Kiosk

Link 02: Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Jennifer's Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Link 03: Christmas Time - 3D Crib - Celso Battistini's Creche - by Paper Model Kiosk

Link 04: Christmas Time - Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Link 05: Christmas Time - Brandyská Nativity Set - by Papermodel Kiosk

Link 06: Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House

More Christmas Paper Models related posts:

Christmas Time - Santa Claus Family Diorama - by Dale Harper

Christmas Nativity Diorama - by Scrapbook Scrapbook - Presépio Em Papel

Make A Holiday Village Papercraft - by Claudine Hellmuth

Christmas Time - Christmas Characters - by Asahi.Net

A Great Collection of Soccer Balls Papercrafts - by Fussballmathe

Neste website alemão chamado Fussballmathe (Matemática do Futebol) você encontrará várias modelos de papel para recriar as bolas de futebol das Copas do Mundo e de vários campeonatos europeus. 

Entre doze modelos diferentes, você vai encontrar a Telstar 18, a bola oficial da Copa do Mundo de 2018, sediada na Rússia, assim como também a escorregadia Jabulani, bola oficial da Copa do Mundo de 2010, sediada na África do Sul.

On this German website called Fussballmathe (Football Mathematics) you will find several paper models to recreate footballs from World Cups and from various European championships. 

Among twelve different models, you will find the Telstar 18, the official ball of the 2018 World Cup, based in Russia, as well as the slippery Jabulani, the official ball of the 2010 World Cup, based in South Africa.


Below you will find four mascots of football teams from various parts of the world:

Computer, Chair And Desk Paper Models In 1/12 Scale - by Norgas

Created by Canadian designer Norgas, here are some paper models that are perfect for dioramas or doll houses in 1/12 scale.

Criados pelo designer canadense Norgas, aqui estão alguns modelos de papel que são perfeitos para dioramas ou casas de bonecas na escala 1/12.

Link to Computer: Desktop Computer.Paper.Model.In.1/12.Scale.by.Norgas

Link to the Chair: Chair.Paper.Model.In.1/12.Scale.by.Norgas

Link to the Desk: Desk.Paper.Model.In.1/12.Scale.by.Norgas

More 1/12 Scale themed Paper Models related posts:

Monday, November 21, 2022

Link Trainer Flight Simulator Paper Model - by Currell Graphics

The term Link Trainer, also known as the "Blue box" and "Pilot Trainer" is commonly used to refer to a series of flight simulators produced between the early 1930s and early 1950s by Ed Link, based on technology he pioneered in 1929 at his family's business in Binghamton, New York. 

These simulators became famous during World War II, when they were used as a key pilot training aid by almost every combatant nation. The original Link Trainer was created in 1929 out of the need for a safe way to teach new pilots how to fly by instruments. 

A former organ and nickelodeon builder, Link used his knowledge of pumps, valves and bellows to create a flight simulator that responded to the pilot's controls and gave an accurate reading on the included instruments. 

More than 500,000 US pilots were trained on Link simulators, as were pilots of nations as diverse as Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Israel, Japan, Pakistan and the USSR. 

The Link Flight Trainer has been designated as A Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Link Company, now part of L-3 Communications, continues to make aerospace simulators.

O termo Link Trainer , ou Treinador Link, também conhecido como "Caixa Azul" e "Treinador de Piloto" é comumente usado para se referir a uma série de simuladores de vôo produzidos entre os anos 1930 e início dos anos 1950 por Ed Link, com base em uma tecnologia revolucionária. 

Este simulador fez fama durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando foram fundamentais para o treino e formação de pilotos por quase todas as nações envolvidas no conflito. 

O Simulador Link original foi criado em 1929, devido a necessidade de ensinar novos pilotos a voar por instrumentos. 

Mais de 500.000 pilotos dos EUA foram treinados em Simuladores Link, assim como pilotos de países tão diversos como Austrália, Canadá, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Israel, Japão, Paquistão e da URSS.  As Indústrias Link continuam a fazer simuladores, agora aeroespaciais.


More WW2 themed Paper Models related posts:

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Kobe City 500 Type K Tram Miniature Paper Model - by Hol Nice

Here is a beautiful paper model of an old tram, the Car 500 Type K, that used to drive through the city of Kobe, Japan. 

The entire model takes up only one printed sheet, has no colors and was created by the talented Japanese designer and pattern maker Hol Nice, from the Freedom Fighter website. 

Reading Hol Nice's original post, I saw that he spent many hours studying the history of this tram, trying to make it as faithful as possible to the real Kobe tram. Really nice work by Hol Nice.

Eis aqui um belíssimo modelo de papel de um bonde antigo, o Carro 500 Tipo K, que costumava atravessar a cidade de Kobe, no Japão. 

O modelo todo ocupa apenas uma folha impressa, não tem cores e foi criado pelo talentoso designer e modelista japonês Hol Nice, do site Freedom Fighter. 

Lendo o post original de Hol Nice, vi que ele gastou muitas horas estudando a história desse bonde, tentando fazê-lo o mais fiél possível ao bonde real de Kobe. Realmente um belo trabalho de Hol Nice.


More Paper Models of Trams and Trains related posts: