Showing posts with label bizarre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bizarre. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Holocaust Gas Van Paper Model - by - RocketManTan

Model Assembled and Photo by RocketManTan

The Real Thing
More one great paper model by designer RocketManTan. The Gaswagen, otherwise known as the Gas Van, was one of the more gruesome vehicles to come out of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Used by the Einsatzgruppen, Hitler's Death Squads, the Gaswagen allowed the SS to kill victims of the Regime much more efficiently and swiftly. Victims would no longer need to be shipped off to the
nearest concentration camp, but rather, they could simply be packed into the rear compartment of the truck and exterminated. - read more at RocketmanTan`s site at DeviantArt.

Mais um grande modelo do designer RocketManTan. O Gaswagen, também conhecido como a "Van do Gás", foi um dos veículos mais terríveis criados pelo regime nazista durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Usado pelos Einsatzgruppen, os esquadrões da morte de Hitler, o Gaswagen permitiu a SS matar as vítimas do Regime com muito mais eficiência e rapidez. As vítimas já não precisavam mais ser enviadas para o campo de concentração mais próximo: simplesmente eram colocadas dentro do compartimento traseiro do caminhão e exterminados com gás. - leia mais no site de RocketmanTan no DeviantArt.


More WW2 Paper Models related posts:

WW2 Truck Bedford - by Papermau - Caminhão Da Segunda Guerra

WW2 Poland Trailer - by Renova Model

Jeep SAS - Desert Rats - Paper Model - by Toni Mauricio & Dark Vador

WW2 Concentration Camp Paper Model - by E Bob Miniatures

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Halloween Special - Origami Hand Skeleton - by Jeremy Shafer


A very nice origami project! Watch the video to learn how to make these spooky hands and you will see: origami skeleton hands also make babies!!

Um projeto em origami bem legal! Assita o vídeo para saber como fazer essas mãozinhas assustadoras e você tambèm verá que mão de esqueleto em origami também fazem bebês!!


More Halloween and Origami related posts:

Pop-Up Origamic Architecture Skull - by Extreme Cards

Gizeh Pyramids - Egyptian Scene Kirigami - by Shoza / Paper Works 

How to Make Origami Paper Claws - by WikiHow - via Billy Bob 884

Origami Architecture - by Baud&Bui - Origami Para Iniciantes

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Paper Model History - Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival - Festival Chinês Dos Fantasmas Famintos

Sending a House to Afterlife

PhotobucketDuring the months of july and August in China, is realized the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts, where they worship the ancestors linked to a family or clan, the most important unit of Chinese society. In these months, the relatives of the dead build replicas on paper, often life-sized of things that they believe their loved ones who are gone, need in the afterlife.

Durante o mês de julho e Agosto, na China, reliza-se o Festival dos Fantasmas Famintos, onde se adoram os ancestrais ligados à uma família ou clã, que a mais importante unidade da sociedade chinesa. Nestes meses, os parentes dos mortos constroem réplicas em papel, muitas vezes em tamanho natural de coisas que eles acreditam que seus entes queridos que se foram precisam na outra vida.

PhotobucketGoods might be since two-storey houses with garage and a Philippine maid, full size cars and the model required, copies of notes of dollars, etc..
Nowadays offered goods can also be mobile phones, credit cards, chequebooks, clothing, food, cigarettes, electronic stuff such as TV, camera, DVD set.

Hoje em dia os bens oferecidos também podem ser telefones celulares, cartões de crédito, talões de cheques, roupas, alimentos, cigarros, produtos eletrônico, como televisores, câmeras de vídeo e DVD players.

PhotobucketThe high season for selling paper replicas is the Ghost Festival in the lunar month of July, when the gates to hell open and spirits are allowed to wander in the human world. 
To avoid disturbances, households burn paper offerings to please the ghosts.

A alta temporada para a venda de réplicas de papel é o Festival do Fantasma Faminto, no mês lunar de Julho, quando os portões do inferno são abertos e os espíritos estão autorizados a vagar no mundo humano. 
Para evitar distúrbios, as famílias queimam oferendas de papel para agradar esses fantasmas.

Clothes Are Very Popular Offers
Chinese people also burn fake money printed by "The Bank of Hell", The money complement the gold bars (made out paper, of course) sent to the deceased relatives.

Os chineses também queimam dinheiro falso impresso pelo "O Banco do Inferno". Esse dinheiro é queimado juntamente com barras de ouro (feita de papel, obviamente), que eles acreditam assim, que são imediatamente enviados para seus entes queridos.

A Paper IPad, A Paper IPad Case, and a Paper Massage Chair
Shops making and selling paper replicas for burial rites or for worship of the gods can be found all over Hong Kong territory. Nowadays there is a market for fashionable paper replicas items such as Louis Vuitton handbags, Sony Play Station videogames, electronic guitars, amplifiers, Apple computers, Nikon cameras and even IPods.

Lojas que fazem e vendem réplicas de papel para os ritos de sepultamento ou para adoração dos deuses podem ser encontrados em todo o território de Hong Kong. Hoje em dia existe todo um mercado especializado em réplicas de papel de produtos da moda, como bolsas Louis Vuitton, videogames Play Station, guitarras elétricas, amplificadores, computadores da Apple, câmeras Nikon e até mesmo IPods.

More Paper Model History related posts:

Paper Model History - Paper Models At WW2 - Paper Models Na Segunda Grande Guerra

Paper Model History - A Paper Model From 1529 - via Tektonten

Paper Model History - A Really Very Old Paper Model

A Brief History Of Paper Models In The WW2 - by Philip Koopman, Sr. Uma Breve História Do Papelmodelismo Na Segunda Guerra

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grim Cigarette Packs - by Consulting Digital


Surprise your friends who have the bad habit of smoking with this beautiful Art Deco packs of cigarettes decorated with grim images. A nice way of saying that smoking is no more glamorous been a long time. The models are are at the bottom of Consulting Digital`s page.

Surpreenda seus amigos que tem o péssimo hábito de fumar com essas belas embalagens de cigarro em estilo Art Deco estampadas com imagens sinistras. um belo jeito de dizer que fumar não é mais glamoroso já faz muito tempo. Os modelos estão no final da página do Consulting Digital.



More Unusual and Bizarre Paper Models related posts:

Gaisensha Propaganda Truck - by John Wagenseil - via Paper Modelers

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Hieronymus Bosch`s Creatures - by Atom - Da Pintura Para O Papel

Anatomy Head Paper Model - by Bert Simons - Cabeça Anatômica

Friday, April 13, 2012

Gaisensha Propaganda Truck - by John Wagenseil - via Paper Modelers


A really nice and unusual find by John Wagenseil. John says: - "Japanese Right Wing political groups, who often have links to organized crime, hold neighborhoods hostage with loudspeaker trucks blasting political messages. Donations will make them go away. Fortunately this innovative method of collecting campaign contributions has not yet crossed the Pacific".

Um achado realmente legal e incomum de John Wagenseil. John diz: - "Grupos políticos de extrema direita, normalmente envolvidos com o crime organizado, fazem propaganda política usando caminhões com caixas de som no último volume, fazendo uma espécie de terrorismo psicológico nos bairros, só desligando o som quando recebem doações para os partidos. Por sorte, este tipo de método de arrecadação de contribuições para campanha ainda não cruzou o Pacífico".



More Bizarre and Unusual Paper Models related posts:

Life-Size Warcraft Orc Paper Craft - by Nadask Projects

Giant Papercraft Scultures In Ecuador - via - Esculturas Gigantes De Papel Do Equador

Unusual Paper Models - by Edition 8x8 - Paper Models Alemães

Anatomy Head Paper Model - by Bert Simons - Cabeça Anatômica

Friday, March 23, 2012

45-Foot Paper Airplane - by The Great Paper Airplane Project


It’s not every day that a giant paper airplane is released high over the Arizona desert. In fact, it’s never been done. But that’s exactly what the Pima Air & Space Museum did on March 21, 2012. The video below is our first glimpse into the dramatic, historic flight. - read more at The Great Paper Airplane Project

Não é todo dia que se vê um avião de papel gigante voando sobre o deserto do Arizona. Na verdade, isto nunca tinha sido feito. Mas é exatamentew isso que o Pima Air & Space Museum fez no dia 21 de Março de 2012. O video abaixo é o primeiro vislumbre do dramático e histórico vôo. - leia mais em The Great Paper Airplane Project


More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

Chinese Mig-17 In 1/72 Scale - by Gabriel Panai - Jato Chinês

Paper Model History - Paper Models At WW2 - Paper Models Na Segunda Grande Guerra

Supersonic Interceptor Aircrafts - by TSMC Japan - Aviões Supersônicos

1930`s Farman F-250 Aircraft Paper model - by Monsieur E

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Indonesian Helicak Vehicle Paper Model - by Royaje Papercraft


An unusual Lambretta/Rickshaw type contraption from Indonesia, these Helicaks (because they look like a Helicopter, presumably) are one of the odder Lambretta conversions I've seen. They were introduced in Jakarta in the early '70s, but by the late '80s were deemed unsafe, as in an impending accident, the drivers tended to abandon ship, leaving the passengers trapped in the fibreglass cab to take the brunt of the collision. -

PhotobucketUma espécie de Lambreta ou Rickshaw feita na Indonésia, esta Helicak (chamdas assim talvez por causa de parecerem um pequeno helicóptero), é uma das conversões mais estranhas feitas com Lambretas que eu já vi. Elas foram introduzidas em Jacarta no início dos anos 70, mas no final dos anos 80 foram consideradas muito inseguras: quando batiam as Helicaks, os motoristas tendiam a abandonar o navio, deixando os passageiros presos na cabine de fibra de vidro para fugir da responsabilidade da colisão. -


More Vehicles related posts:

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Gas Gas Trial Motorbike - by Toni Mauricio - Moto de Trial Gas Gas

Japanese Motorcycles Paper Models - by Yamaha - Motos Japonesas

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi


I know that Christmas is not in September, but zombies also do not celebrate Christmas, so that`s o.k... Here the very bizarre Zombie Nativity Set, by Zombie Christmas.Org.

Eu sei que o Natal não é em setembro, mas os zumbis também não comemoram o Natal, então, tudo bem... Aqui o realmente bizarro Zombie Nativity Set, ou Presépio Zumbi, do Zombie Christmas.Org.


More Chritmas Cribs and Nativity Sets Paper Models related posts:

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Christmas Time - Paper Crib - Nativity Set - by My Little House

Christmas Time - 1900`s 3D Crib - Svatava Nativity - by Paper Model Kiosk

Christmas Time - Nativity Scene Paper Model In Cubic Style - by 7ater

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Special - Barbie Scale Guillotine - by Tektonten

Tektonten is a very nice blog about paper models and have some original models made by the author.

Here is my contribution to the collection of free Halloween papercraft on the Internet this year: a guillotine! I had downloaded a 3D model of a bloody guillotine by designer "Smirnoffka" earlier this year thinking I might do a papercraft of it sometime and finally decided it would work best as a Halloween papercraft. I chose to scale the guillotine to the size of a Barbie doll because there was something just so ironic and disturbing about associating smiling Barbie with a gruesome instrument of death. - Tektonten



More posts about Halloween:



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Anatomy Head Paper Model - by Bert Simons - Cabeça Anatômica


Photobucket Anatomy Head (2005)

An anatomical incorrect represantat

"I have always been fascinated with anatomical drawings and models. Although I collect skulls of birds I don't have the balls to stuff a dead animal or even a human like Prof. von Hagen with his "Korperwelten" does. So I started to make my own cabinet of anatomical models in paper". - Bert Simons

"Eu sempre fui fascinado por imagens e modelos de anatomia. Mesmo colecionando esqueletos de pássaros, eu nunca tive coragem para dissecar ou empalhar um animal morto, ou um ser humano, como o Professor von Hagen, no seu livro "Korperwelten". então resolvi fazer meus próprios modelos de anatomia". - Bert Simons

Link: Anatomy.Head.Paper.Model.By.Bert.Simons

More Bizarre and Unusual Paper Models related posts:

The Pope Mobile Paper Model - by Slam Design - O Papa Móvel

Halloween Special - Barbie Scale Guillotine - by Tektonten

Hieronymus Bosch`s Creatures - by Atom - Da Pintura Para O Papel

Zombie Nativity Set - by Zombie Christmas.Org - Presépio Zumbi

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Halloween Special - The Human Skull Paper Model - by Ravensblight

Here is an unusual and bizarre model by Ravens Blight : a Human Skull.
PhotobucketHalloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)". The name of the festival historically kept by the Gaels in the British isles is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".
Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a (mostly idle) "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. In some parts of Scotland children still go guising. In this custom the child performs some sort of trick, i.e. sings a song or tells a ghost story, to earn their treats. - Wikipedia

Ravens Blight Skull Model
O Halloween, ou Dia das Bruxas é um evento tradicional e cultural, que ocorre nos países anglo-saxônicos, com especial relevância nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Irlanda e Reino Unido, tendo como base e origem as celebrações dos antigos povos (não existe referências de onde surgiram essas celebrações).
A origem do Halloween remonta às tradições dos povos que habitaram a Gália e as ilhas da Grã-Bretanha entre os anos 600 a.C. e 800 d.C., embora com marcadas diferenças em relação às atuais abóboras ou da famosa frase "Gostosuras ou travessuras", exportada pelos Estados Unidos, que popularizaram a comemoração. Originalmente, o Halloween não tinha relação com bruxas. Era um festival do calendário celta da Irlanda, o festival de Samhain, celebrado entre 30 de outubro e 2 de novembro e marcava o fim do verão (samhain significa literalmente "fim do verão"). Se analisarmos o modo como o Halloween é celebrado hoje, veremos que pouco tem a ver com as suas origens: só restou uma alusão aos mortos, mas com um carácter completamente distinto do que tinha ao princípio. Além disso foi sendo pouco a pouco incorporada toda uma série de elementos estranhos tanto à festa de Finados como à de Todos os Santos. - Wikipedia
Aqui no Brasil esta data começou a se popularizar com o aumento da procura por escolas de idiomas.

Link: Halloween.Special.Human

More Halloween Paper Toys related posts:

Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel

Halloween Special - Evil Dead Diorama - by Oh-Sheet Paper Toys

Zombie In A Barrel - by Papermau - Download Now!

Halloween Special - Friday The 13 - Jason Voorhees Paper Toy - by Petch Paper

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hieronymus Bosch`s Creatures - by Atom - Da Pintura Para O Papel


PhotobucketHieronymus Bosch , born Jeroen Anthoniszoon van Aken ( c. 1450 – 9 August 1516) was a Dutch painter. His work is known for its use of fantastic imagery to illustrate moral and religious concepts and narratives.
Bosch produced several triptychs. Among his most famous is The Garden of Earthly Delights. This painting, for which the original title has not survived, depicts paradise with Adam and Eve and many wondrous animals on the left panel, the earthly delights with numerous nude figures and tremendous fruit and birds on the middle panel, and hell with depictions of fantastic punishments of the various types of sinners on the right panel. When the exterior panels are closed the viewer can see, painted in grisaille, God creating the Earth. These paintings—especially the Hell panel—are painted in a comparatively sketchy manner which contrasts with the traditional Flemish style of paintings, where the smooth surface—achieved by the application of multiple transparent glazes—conceals the brushwork. In this painting, and more powerfully in works such as his Temptation of St. Anthony (Lisbon), Bosch draws with his brush. Not surprisingly, Bosch is also one of the most revolutionary draftsmen in the history of art, producing some of the first autonomous sketches in Northern Europe. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketJeroen van Aeken, cujo pseudónimo é Hieronymus Bosch, e também conhecido como Jeroen Bosch, ('s-Hertogenbosch, c. 1450 — Agosto de 1516), foi um pintor e gravador neerlandês dos séculos XV e XVI.
Muitos dos seus trablhos retratam cenas de pecado e tentação, recorrendo à utilização de figuras simbólicas complexas, originais, imaginativas e caricaturais, muitas das quais eram obscuras mesmo no seu tempo.
Pintores alemães como Martin Schongauer, Matthias Grünewald e Albrecht Dürer influenciaram a obra de Bosch. Apesar de ter sido quase contemporâneo de Jan van Eyck, seu estilo era completamente diferente.
Especula-se que sua obra terá sido uma das fontes do movimento surrealista do século XX, que teve mestres como Max Ernst e Salvador Dalí. - Wikipedia


Detail of  "The Temptation of St. Anthony"

Link: Hieronymus.Bosch`

For additional resources, art schools in Florida offer more inspiration, history, and variety of creations.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crazy Japanese Mascot - Mascote Japonês Maluco

This blog doesn`t make apologies, then I will not go into details on this paper model. I only say that it is a mascot of a japanese trading company. But the models are very, very, very funny and bizarre.

Este blog não faz apologias, então não vou entrar em detalhes sobre este paper model. Digo apenas que é um mascote de uma companhia japonesa. Mas vocês hão de concordar que os modelos são muito, muito, muito engraçados e bizarros.


In this page, click on the red circles to download:

Link: Crazy.Japanese.Mascot

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Raven`s Blight - Haunted Paper Toys - Paper Models Assombrados

Welcome to the toy shop!
Here you'll find a variety of rather unusual paper toys, all free for you to
print out and enjoy. The toys include a hearse playset, coffin gift boxes
(with occupants), a little cemetery, several unusual board games, a
gloomy little haunted house, a rusty old-style robot, and quite a few
other dark delights. So ... ( words of Ray O`Bannon )

This site is cool and unique! No words for explain...Take a look, grab some models, they are...unusual! Hear some music, there are full albuns to download,read some tales.

Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade um pouco estranha de brinquedos de papel, todos grátis para você imprimir e montar. Os brinquedos incluem um playset com carro fúnebre, caixões (com seus ocupantes), um pequeno cemitério, vários jogos de tabuleiro, uma casa assombrada, um antigo robô vintage, e não poucas delícias obscuras. Assim ... ( palavras de Ray O'Bannon )

Link: Raven`s Blight - Haunted Paper Toys

The Hearse (Raven`s Blight assembly):

Here some pics of my interpretation of "The Ghost House", reduced in 50%:

Model Assembled and Photos by Papermau

