Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Halloween Special - The Ancient Vampire Swords Paper Models
by RavensBlight

Ray O`Bannon, from RavensBlight website, the designer of these cool Vampire Swords, says: - "The curators at the RavensBlight Museum of Antiquities aren't sure quite what to make of these swords. They were discovered in the museum's cellar, in a dusty old box labeled 'Vampire Swords'. We can't be sure if they were used by vampire hunters or if they were owned by vampires. But they've been kept in wonderful condition, and you're welcome to as many as you wish, as well as matching scabbards and hanging plaques."

Ray O`Bannon, do site RavensBlight, o designer destas belas Espadas de Vampiros, diz: - "Os curadores do Museu de Antiguidades de RavensBlight não sabem com certeza exatamente o que fazer com essas espadas. Elas foram descobertos no porão do museu, em uma caixa velha e empoeirada aonde estava escrito "Espadas de Vampiros". Não se sabe se elas foram usadas por caçadores de vampiros ou se pertenciam a vampiros. Mas estão em perfeitas condições e você é bem-vindo para montar a sua, combinando bainhas e o suporte para pendurá-la."

Link: Halloween.Special.The.Ancient.Vampire.Swords.Paper.Models.by.RavensBlight

More Paper Models of Swords related posts:

Katana Sword Hanging Miniature Paper Model - by Mogami Yoshiaki

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Auron's Sword Paper Model - by Tektonten

Adventure Time - Golden Sword Of Battle Paper Model - by Tektonten

Skyrim - Steel Sword Paper Model - by RocketManTan

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