Saturday, June 25, 2016
Batman - Legends Of The Dark Knight - Assembled by Soetam Rizky
My friend Soetam Rizky, from Indonesia, built the Batman - Legends Of The Dark Knight diorama paper model and post a photo on his Facebook. I took the liberty to show his nice work here at the blog. There I go again fall into redundancy, but I have to say how good the feeling of seeing one of my models assembled by a friend modeler. It is always, without exception, a pleasure and an honor for me. "Thanks, Soetam Rizky, for the really nice work and for the photo. Greetings from Brazil to Indonesia" - Mauther - If you want to build your own Batman Diorama, the link to download the model is right below, at the end of this post.
Meu amigo Soetam Rizky, da Indonésia, montou o modelo de papel do Batman - Legends Of The Dark Knight e postou uma foto de seu belo trabalho no Facebook. Eu tomei a liberdade de postar esta foto aqui no blog. É sempre, sem excessão, um prazer e uma honra ver um de meus modelos montado por um amigo modelista. "Obrigado, Soetam Rizky, pelo trabalho e pela foto. Saudações do Brasil até a Indonésia!" - Mauther - Se você quiser montar seu próprio Diorama do Batman, o link para baixar o modelo está logo abaixo, no final deste post.
More Papermau Paper Models Assembled by Friends:
Van Gogh - The Yellow House Paper Model - Assembled by Barek Aroussi
Vintage Gas Station And Joe`s Garage Built by NWRR
Play House Papercraft Assembled by OldSchoolDM
Abandoned Gas Station - Assembled by Amo Vitam
Game Grumps - Arin, Jon And Dan Paper Models - by Collecter128
Game Grumps is a Let's Play webseries starring animator Arin Hanson, and Dan Avidan from the musical comedy duo Ninja Sex Party. The show was created on July 10, 2012 by Hanson and video game critic Jon Jafari. Jafari left the show in June 2013 to focus on his primary YouTube webseries, JonTron, and was subsequently replaced by Avidan. Game Grumps was a part of Polaris, a network owned by Maker Studios, a subsidiary of Disney Consumer Products and the Disney Interactive division of The Walt Disney Company. They left the network in January 2016.
Game Grumps é uma webserie estrelada pelo animador Arin Hanson, e Dan Avidan, do duo de comédia musical Ninja Sex Party. O show foi criado em 10 de julho de 2012 por Hanson e pelo crítico de videogames Jon Jafari. Jafari deixou o show em junho de 2013 para se concentrar em sua webserie primária do YouTube, JonTron, e foi posteriormente substituído por Avidan. Game Grumps era parte da Polaris, uma rede de propriedade da Maker Studios, subsidiária da Disney Consumer Products, divisão da Disney Interactive e da The Walt Disney Company. O programa acabou em janeiro de 2016.
Link to Arin and Jon: Game.Grumps.Arin.&
Link to Danny:
More Paper Models from Animations and Toons related posts:
Bob`s Burguer Food Truck Paper Model - by Thisisanton
Sponge Bob And Sarusa Paper Toys - by Paperman Returns
Naruto - Naruto Shipuden Mini Paper Toy - by Gus Santome
Kiki`s Delivery Service Paper Doll - by Kujira - Paper Doll Estilo Anime
Friday, June 24, 2016
Hyrule Warriors - Sheik The Warrior Paper Model - by XenonRay
Created by British designer Chris Gilman, aka XenonRay, this is a perfect paper model version of Sheik, the Warrior, character from Hyrule Warriors videogame. Hyrule Warriors, known in Japan as Zelda Musō, is a hack-and-slash action video game developed by Omega Force and Team Ninja for the Nintendo`s Wii U video game console. - You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Criada pelo designer britânico Chris Gilman, aka XenonRay, esta é uma perfeita versão em papel de Sheik, a Guerreira, personagem do videogame Hyrule Warriors. Hyrule Warriors, ou em Japonês, Zelda Musō, é um jogo ao estilo hack and slash lançado para a plataforma Wii U, da Nintendo, juntando as séries The Legend of Zelda e Dynasty Warriors da Koei Tecmo. - Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models of Videogame Characters related posts:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Cloud Mario Paper Model - by Sabi96
Dissidia 12 Final Fantasy - Vaan Pirate Paper Model - by Crisis Craft
Plants Vs. Zombies - Zombies Paper Toys - by Maya In Paper
Fairy in a Bottle Papercraft - by Nintendo Papercraft
Nyako - Cute Cat In A Box Paper Model - by Hellsword Papercraft
Created by French designer Jérémy Liochon, from Hellsword Papercraft, this is Nyako, the Cat in the Box. With 7 cm tall, this is a nice decor for your desktop. - You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
Criado pelo designer francês Jérémy Liochon, do site Hellsword Papercraft, este Nyako, o Gato na Caixa. Com apenas 7 cms de altura, ele será uma delicada decoração na sua mesa de trabalho. - Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Toys related posts:
The Snorfs - Little Gnomes Paper Toys - by 3YedBear - Gnomos
Hulmet Paper Toys In Cubic Style- by Justus Product
Dookie-Poo Lounge Paper Toy Diorama - by Many Galan
Matryoshka Paper Dolls - by Digitprop - Bonecas Matroska
Dragon Ball Z - Black Goku Paper Model In Chibi Style - by Avshalom Gil - via Life Papercraft
Created by designer Avshalom Gil, from Life Papercraft, a nice Argentinian community, this is the paper model version in Chibi style of Black Goku, from Dragon Ball Z, classic Japanese anime and mangá series. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).
Criado pelo designer Avshalom Gil, da comunidade argentina Life Papercraft, esta é a versão em papel em estilo Chibi do Black Goku, da clássica série de animes e mangás japoneses Dragon Ball Z. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Paper Models from Animes and Mangás related posts:
Magical Girl Kazumi Paper Doll - by Seisaku Diary
Princess Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami
Aty Paper Doll Anime Style - by Anton Pstyga
Mini Chun Li Paper Toy - by Gustavo Santome - Mini Papercraft
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Caserio Vasco - A Vintage Spanish Paper Model - by Boga Publisher
Originally published between decades of 1950 and 1960, by a Spanish publisher called Boga, this "Caserio Vasco", or "Basque House", occupies only one sheet of paper. I took the liberty of giving a cleaning job in the original model, so you save a lot of ink when printing.
Originalmente publicado entre as décadas de 1950 e 1960 pela editora espanhola Boga, este "Caserio Vasco", ou "Casa Basca", ocupa apenas uma folha de papel. Eu tomei a liberdade de dar uma limpada no modelo original, assim você economizará bastante tinta quando for imprimir.
More Vintage Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:
Country House In Davos Vintage Paper Model - by Ed Morf
Battle Of The Nations Monument In Leipzig Paper Model - by AGK
1800`s German Paper Theater - by Power House Museum - Teatro De Papel
Vintage French School Diorama - by Phillip - Diorama De Escola Francesa
Dark Souls - Greatsword And Shield Of Artorias Paper Models
by EuTytoAlba
Here are perfect paper model versions of the Greatsword and the Shield of Artorias, from the videogame Dark Souls. These models are the result of many hours of hard work of the North American designer EuTytoAlba and he kindly share it via his page on DeviantArt. - To view and print this model you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post). - Attention: this specific model just open with the version 3.0 of Pepakura Viewer program. The link below is for this old version.
Aqui estão perfeitas versões em papel da Grande Espada e do Escudo de Artorias, do videogame Dark Souls. Estes modelos são resultado de muitas horas de trabalho duro do designer norte-americano EuTytoAlba, que generosamente compartilha-os em sua página no DeviantArt. - Para visualizar e imprimir este modelo você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post). - Atenção: este model específico abre apenas na versão 3.0 do Pepakura Viewer. O link abaixo já aponta para esta antiga versão.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version 03: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version03.Official.Page
More Paper Models in 1/1 Scale For Cosplayers related posts:
M-14 Rifle Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by DarkAntz MKII - via Paper Replika
X-Men - Magneto Helmet Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Shannon - via Pepakura Gallery
The Pirate Cutlass Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by Ravens Blight
Star Wars - Darth Vader Helmet In 1/1 Scale - by Shannon - via Pepakura Gallery
A Lot Of 2.5D Paper Models For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames
by ALIENmantis
ALIENmantis is a slovenian designer. She creates a lot of nice paper models and shares them in her page at DeviantArt. Here you can see some of her work and if you like, you can visit her page and download them.
ALIENmantis é uma designer eslovena. Ela cria um monte de modelos de papel bem legais e compartilha-os em sua página no DeviantArt. Aqui você pode ver alguns de seus trabalhos e se você gostar, você pode visitar sua página e baixá-los.
More Paper Models for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames related posts:
Customize Your Zombie Paper Model For Dioramas. RPG And Wargames - by Eddnic
Security Checkpoint Paper Model For RPG And Wargames - by Cardstock Dane
Sci-Fi Paper Models For RPG And Wargames - by Ebbles - via Genet Models
The Fox Army Miniatures Paper Models For RPG And Wargames - by Sirrob01
Summer Of Sport - Soccer Game Articulated Paper Toys - by Brother
By Brother, British website, here are some nice paper toys for those who like soccer. You two players and a goalkeeper and they have some movements, to kick and defend the ball.
Do site inglês da Brother, aqui estão alguns paper toys bem legais para quem gosta de futebol. Você tem dois jogadores e um goleiro e eles têm alguns movimentos, para chutar e defender a bola.
Link to Blue Player:
Link to Green Player:
Link to Goalkeeper:
More Paper Models of Sports related posts:
Brazilian Soccer Team Shirt Papercraft - by J. Ossorio - Camisa da Seleção Brasileira De Futebol
2014`s FIFA World Cup Special - A Lot Of Soccer Themed Paper Models
Nissan Stadium Paper Model - by Nissan Stadium.Jp
Football Money Box Papercraft - by Canon - Cofrinho De Futebol
Life-Size Magpie Decorative Paper Model - by Gedelgo - via DeviantArt
Canadian designer Gedelgo says that this Magpie could be a Crow too Just trim down the tail feathers. You will find the model in two formats: PDF and PDO (Pepakura), so you can print the model with the PDF format and use the PDO format as guide, because it can be visualized in 3D. If you don`t have Pepakura Viewer Free Version yet, the link to download is at the end of this post.
A designer canadense Gedelgo diz que essa Gralha pode se passar por um Corvo também. Basta curvar as penas da cauda para baixo. Você encontrará o modelo em dois formatos: PDF e PDO (Pepakura), então você pode usar o PDF para imprimir as peças e o PDO como guia de montagem, já que com ele você pode visualizar o modelo em 3D. Se você ainda não tem o programa Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta, o link para baixá-lo se encontra no final deste post.
Link to download the model:
Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page
More Decorative Paper Models of Animals related posts:
Buffalo Head Wall Sculpture Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga
Build Your Own Labrador Retriever Sculpture Paper Model - by Papashage - via Instructables
The Witcher - The Wolf Head Medallion Paper Model - by Gedelgo
Kotatsu Cat Paper Model - by Nobutaka Mukouyama - via Yamaha
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Wolf, Eagle And Horse Full Head Masks Paper Models - by Chappy Okamoto - via Canon
Comissioned by Canon website, the Japanese designer Chappy Okamoto created these cool Full Head Masks paper models of a Wolf, an Eagle and a Horse. Great for school works, kids parties, Halloween and for cosplayers.
Comissionado pelo site da Canon, o designer japonês Chappy Okamoto criou estas Máscaras Fechadas de um Lobo, uma Águia e um Cavalo. Perfeitas para trabalhos escolares, festas infantis, Dia das Bruxas e para cosplayers.
Link 01:
Link 02:
Link 03:
More Paper Models of Masks in 1/1 Scale related posts:
Chernabog Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by EuTytoAlba
DarkSiders II - Death Mask In 1 / 1 Scale - by Paper Juke
Halloween Special - Twisted Metal - Needles Kane's Mask - by Paper Juke
Nightbreed`s Dr. Decker Mask - by Papertoys Clemper
Five Anime Paper Dolls In Minecraft Style - by Pixel Papercraft
Here are five paper toys of characters from Minecraft videogame, in a mix between anime dolls and the cubic style of the game. Offered by Pixel Papercraft community.
Aqui estão cinco paper toys de personagens do videogame Minecraft, em uma mistura entre anime dolls e o estilo cúbico do jogo. Oferecido pela comunidade Pixel Papercraft.
Link 01:
Link 02:
Link 03:
Link 04:
Link 05:
More Paper Toys related posts:
Halloween Special - Sliding Puzzle Papercraft - by Canon - Qebra-Cabeças Deslizante
A Fun School Project - Build A Paper Pyramid - by Squidoo - Projeto Escolar - Pirâmide
Slotted Building Discs Papercraft - by Made by Joel - Discos Lúdicos
Papercraft Alphabet In 3D - by Digitprop - Alfabeto Em Papel
Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle Fennek Paper Model In 1/43 Scale
by Rawen

The Fennek, named after the fennec (a species of small desert fox), or LGS Fennek, with LGS being short for Leichter Gepanzerter Spähwagen in German (Light Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle), is a four wheeled armed reconnaissance vehicle produced by the German company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Dutch Defence Vehicle Systems.
It was developed for both the German Army and Royal Netherlands Army to replace their current vehicles.

Batizado em alusão ao Fêneco, uma pequena e ágil raposa do deserto, o Fennek é um veículo militar blindado usado em reconhecimento produzido em conjunto pela alemã Krauss-Maffei Wegmann e a Dutch Defence Vehicle Systems, da Holanda.
Ele foi desenvolvido especialmente para os exércitos destes dois países.
Link: Armoured.Reconnaissance.Vehicle.Fennek.Paper.Model.In.1/
More Paper Models of Military Vehicles related posts:
1899`s Armored Steam Tractor Paper Model - by JB Models - Trator Blindado
1932`s Soviet Amphibian Tank T-33 - by Paul - via Le Forum En Papier
Tatra 111 Afrika Korps Paper Model - by DTS Modelling
U.S.Army Jeep Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Rawen - Jipe Militar
A Classic French Circus Paper Model Diorama - by Patrick Gillet
This beautiful diorama of a Circus as it was before it was forbidden to use animals in their shows, was posted here on the blog eight and a half years ago. Created by Patrick Gillet, a French artist, you will need eight sheets of paper to build your own.
Este belo diorama de um Circo, como ele era antes que fosse proibido uso de animais em seus espetáculos, foi postado aqui no blog há oito anos e meio atrás. Criado pelo artista francês Patrick Gillet, você precisará de oito folhas de papel para montar o seu.
More Circus Paper Models related posts:
The Incredible Bearded Lady Articulated Paper Model - by Publiargos
A Cut-Out Circus For The Children - Vintage Papercraft - by The Boston Globe - via Bob Green
Chuckle and Cheer Circus Freak Paper Toy - by Urban Paper Collective
The Circus Automata Carousel Vintage Paper Model - by Unknown - via Paper Modelers
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Last Gas Station For The Next 1000 Miles Paper Model
by Papermau - The Assembly - Part 01
Here is the first part of the assembly of the Last Gas Station For The Next 1000 Miles paper model.
Aqui está a primeira parte da montagem do modelo de papel do Último Posto de Gasolina nas Próximas Mil Milhas.
That's all for now. More soon. / Isto é tudo por enquanto. Mais em breve.
More The Last Gas Station For The Next 1000 Miles related posts:
The Last Gas Station For The Next 1000 Miles Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
The Last Gas Station For The Next 1000 Miles Paper Model - by Papermau - Some Advances
More Papermau Next Projects related posts:
The Gipsy King Steamboat Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
The Nissen Hut Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Old House In Olaria Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
Two Storey Roman House Paper Model - by Papermau - Next Project
DayZ - 1977`s Lada Niva Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Britrex
Created by Czech team from Britrex website, this Lada Niva paper model is in 1/72 scale. You will need only one sheet of paper to build this little 4x4 produced by Russian VAZ, from 1977 until today.
Criado pela equipe do site tcheco Britrex, este modelo de papel do veículo utilitário russo Lada Niva está na escala 1/72. Você vai precisar de apenas uma folha de papel para montar este pequeno 4x4 russo, produzido pela VAZ, desde 1977 até os dias de hoje.
Link: DayZ.1977`s.Lada.Niva.Paper.Model.In.1/
More Paper models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:
Lomax Britsh Paper Car - by Faehnrichweb.De
Peugeot 206cc Paper Car - by Ccfreunde-Nrw.De
BMW Z4 M Coupe Paper Car - by Farewell The End
Porsche 934 RSR Turbo SD - by Pepakura Gallery
SOMEROBO Robots Paper Toys - by Shintama`s Graphica
As I always say, robots are never enough, so here are two nice paper toys of little robots created by Japanese designer Shintama, from Shintama`s Graphica website.
Como eu sempre digo, robôs nunca são demais, então aqui estão dois simpáticos paper toys de robozinhos criados pelo designer japonês Shintama, do website Shintama`s Graphica.