Monday, October 29, 2012

Half Life - Black Mesa`s Military Crate Paper Model - by MooNFish's Papercraft


A very well done transposition from virtual to paper, by Russian designer Evgeniy Pelevin , from MooNFish's Papercraft. This is a Military Crate, from Half Life videogame and it is perfect for dioramas or RPG games.

Uma transposição muito bem feita do virtual para o papel, feita pelo designer russo Evgeniy Pelevin, do site MooNFish's Papercraft. Este é um conjunto de dois caixotes militares, do videogame Half Life e é perfeito para dioramas ou jogos de RPG.

Link: Half.Life.Black.Mesa`'s.Papercraft

More Videogame Paper Models related posts:

Donkey Kong Country Returns Diorama - by Desktop Gremlins

Super Mario Bros. Dioramas - by - Reverend Timothy

Videogame Characters Papercraft - by Daishi - Warhammer And Mass Effect 2

Grand Theft Auto Paper Cars - by IGrandTheftAuto.Com


  1. Replies
    1. You are welcome, Captain LOL!

      Thanks for the visit and greetings from Brazil! :)

