Tuesday, July 14, 2015

History Of Habitations - German House Vintage Paper Model
by Pellerin

This really old paper model was originally published by Pellerin in 1889, at France. It shows a kind of house of ancient people who inhabited the German lands. This is another of the models that I was lucky to find in online auctions, but it is a copy in low resolution.

Este modelo de papel muito antigo foi originalmente publicado pela editora Pellerin em 1889, na França. Ele mostra um tipo de casa usada pelos antigos povos que habitaram as terras alemãs. Este é mais um dos modelos que tive a sorte de achar em leilões online, mas é uma cópia em baixa resolução.

Link: History.Of.Habitations.German.House.Vintage.Paper.Model.by.Pellerin

More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

1938`s Indian Cut-Outs Diorama - by Milo Winter - via Bobe Green

Sur La Route French Vintage Paper Model - by SarienSpiderDroid / Agence Eureka

Pollock`s Theater Paper Model - Saint George And The Dragon - by Agence Eureka

The Little Store of Cut-Out Town Paper Model - by Thrifty Scissors Colored Version by Papermau

Monday, July 13, 2015

French Adult Theater Vintage Paper Model - by F. Mercier
via The Memory Of The Netherlands

This unusual paper model diorama represents an Adult Theater, as it was in France, between 1950 and 1960 decades. This model was created by French artist F. Mercier in 1977 and was preserved and now is shared by The Memory of the Netherlands website.

 photo adult.movies.papercraft.via.papermau.003_zpsrsvera10.jpg

Este diorama de papel incomum representa um Cinema Adulto, como era na França, entre as décadas de 1950 e 1960. Este modelo foi criado pelo artista francês F. Mercier, no ano de 1977, foi preservado e agora é compartilhado pelo site The Memory of the Netherlands.

 photo adult.movies.papercraft.via.papermau.004_zps5kburlcc.jpg

Link: French.Adult.Theater.Vintage.Paper.Model.by.F.Mercier.via.The.Memory.Of.The.Netherlands

More Unusual Paper Models related posts:

Build Your Own Rodin`s "The Thinker" Sculpture Paper Model - by Papashage - via Instructables

The Cipher Machine Cryptograph Paper Model - by Digitprop

Pimp My Church Diorama Paper Model - by Simone Ambu

Paper Model History - Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival - Festival Chinês Dos Fantasmas Famintos

Spongebob And Friends Papercraft Collection - by Kamibox

Kamibox, the German designer of these perfect paper replicas of Spongebob and company, says: - "Make Spongebob and his friends from paper! Just print the PDFs and glue them together."

Kamibox, o designer alemão destas réplicas perfeitas em papel de Bob Esponja e companhia, diz: _ "Faça o Bob Esponja e seus amigos de papel! Apenas imprima os PDfs e monte-os."


Hideo Kojima Tribute Paper Toy - by Tubbypaws

Created by Tubbypaws, this is the Hideo Kojima Tribute paper toy. - Hideo Kojima is a Japanese video game designer, writer, and producer originally employed at Konami. He is the director of Kojima Productions and a former vice president of Konami Digital Entertainment, a position he held since early 2011. He is the creator, director and writer of some of the most universally praised video games, including the Metal Gear series of stealth games and the adventure games Snatcher and Policenauts, and he also produced series such as Zone of the Enders, Boktai and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Kojima is consistently named by fans and industry experts alike as being one of the most influential and innovative video game directors and writers in the industry, and is considered a "fan favorite" in his field. - Wikipedia

 photo hideo.kojima.paper.toy.by.tubbypaws.via.papermau.002_zpsnmhexphz.jpg

Criado por Tubbypaws, este é um paper toy tributo à Hideo Kojima. - Hideo Kojima é um designer de games japonês, escritor e produtor, originalmente empregado na Konami. Ele é o diretor da Kojima Productions e ex-vice-presidente da Konami Digital Entertainment, cargo que ocupou até o início de 2011. Ele é o criador, diretor e escritor de alguns dos jogos de videogame mais elogiados em todo o mundo, incluindo a série Metal Gear e os adventures Snatcher e Policenauts. Ele também produziu séries como Zone of the Enders, Boktai e Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Kojima é constantemente apontado por fãs e especialistas da indústria como sendo um dos diretores de videogame mais influentes e inovadores de todos os tempos, e é considerado uma "unaminidade entre os fãs" em seu campo. - Wikipedia

Link: Hideo.Kojima.Tribute.Paper.Toy.by.Tubbypaws

More Pop Culture Characters Paper Toys:

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Kiss - Gene Simmons Paper Toy - by Papermau Download Now!

Elvira - Mistress Of The Dark Paper Toy - by 7ater`s Cubees

Dead Celebrity Halloween Masks Paper Models - by Forbes Online

Katy Perry Paper Toy - by Rabisco Pop

Alexander Double-Decker Bus Paper Model - by Paper Diorama

This beautiful paper model of the DAF DB 250 Alexander Double-Decker Bus was created by the designers from Paper Diorama, Italian website. This model is in 1/87 scale (HO scale).

 photo london.bus.papercaft.via.papermau.002_zpskza1vmdi.jpg

Este belo modelo de papel do Ônibus de Dios Andares DAF DB 250 Alexander foi crtiado pelos designers do site italiano Paper Diorama. Este modelo está na escala 1/87 (escala HO).

 photo london.bus.papercaft.via.papermau.003_zpskissn9st.jpg

Link: Alexander.Double.Decker.Bus.Paper.Model.by.Paper.Diorama

More Paper Models of Buses related posts:

Brazilian Bus MB O-326 Oriental - Rio De Janeiro - by Ronaldo M - Ônibus Carioca

Easy-To-Build Bus Paper Model For Kids - by Prefecture Of Fukui

Scania Cometa Brazilian Bus - by RonaldoM - Ônibus Viação Cometa

Bus Leyland Victory Mk2 Paper Model - by K.Y.Chung - via Papermau

Halloween Special - Puzzles Paper Models - by Ravensblight

Ray O`Bannon, designer of these nice Halloween themed Puzzles, says: - "Here's a set of six little puzzles to cut out and have fun assembling. Each puzzle includes a reference image to help you figure it out. Just place the pieces face down on a table top, slide them around to mix them up, and then turn them over and enjoy figuring out the puzzle. For a more challenging puzzle, cut each piece into two pieces and assemble without using the reference image. Or combine two or more puzzles and race your friends to see who can finish assemblng an image first. There's also a mounting board to help organize the pieces and to display your finished puzzle.

 photo havensblight.puzzles.via.papermau.001_zpsgqoggzwu.jpg

Aqui está um conjunto de seis pequenos quebra-cabeças para cortar e se divertir montando. Cada quebra-cabeça inclui uma imagem de referência para ajudá-lo a descobrir. Basta colocar as peças viradas para baixo sobre uma mesa, embaralhá-las, e em seguida tentar montar as cenas. Para um desafio maior, corte cada pedaço em dois e monte sem usar a imagem de referência. ou combine dois ou mais quebra-cabeças e aposte com seus amigos para ver quem consegue montar tudo em primeiro lugar. Há também uma placa de montagem para ajudar a organizar as peças e para exibir seu quebra-cabeça acabado.

 photo ravesblight.puzzles.via.papermau.002_zpshdbl9e1k.jpg

Link: Halloween.Special.Puzzles.Paper.Models.by.Ravensblight

More Paper Models of Puzzles related posts:

3D Colorful Maze Papercraft - by Canon - Labirinto 3D

Pterodactyl Cardboard Puzzle With Templates - by DIYHacksAndHowTos - via Instructables

Chinese Dice Puzzle Paper Model - by Mak - via Paper Modelers

WW2`s Supermarine Spitfire Puzzle Paper Model - by Seb21zr

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Model Cottage Series - Red Brick House Vintage Paper Model
by Tuck DB

This Vintage Red Brick House paper model is part of Model Cottage Series postcards originally printed by British publisher Tuck DB between the late Nineteenth Century and the first decades of the Twentieth Century.

Este modelo de papel de uma Casa de Tijolos Vermelhos Antiga é parte de uma série de cartões postais, a Model Cottage Series, originalmente impressas pela editora britânica Tuck DB entre o final do Século XIX e as primeiras décadas do Século XX.


More Vintage Paper Models related posts:

German Vintage Clothing Store For Ladies Paper Model - by Unknown Author

1930`s Old Breton Lighthouse Paper Model - The Model Assembled

Vintage Swiss Dress Up Paper Doll - by Stehll Freres - via National Museum Of Play Online Collections

Vintage Greyhound Bus Paper Model - by Toy Connect

1948`s Kellogg´s British Village Paper Model - via Little House Cards

I have already posted this Kellogg´s British Village here when were presented by The Toy Connect website, and now, thanks to Little House Cards website you can download them again in their original format in three parts of 5 folded sheets each. The village was offered in 1948 as a premium promotion to buy and consisted of a butcher's shop, a candy shop, a store, an inn, a bakery, a post office, a gas station and an English village church. Just below the templates you will find a small table with the percentage you should reduce when printing to assemble the models in the most common scales used by modelers. - The models assembled above are from Toy Connect website. Thanks, Ed and Bettina!

Eu já postei esta Vila Britânica da Kellogg`s aqui no blog quando eles foram apresentados pelo site Toy Connect, e agora graças ao site Little House Cards agora você pode baixá-los novamente em seu formato original em três partes de 5 folhas dobradas cada uma. Esta vila foi oferecida em 1948 como uma promoção especial que tinha quer comprada pelo correio e consistia em um açougue, uma loja de doces, uma loja de conveniências, uma pousada, uma padaria, um posto de correios, um posto de gasolina e uma igreja. Logo abaixo dos templates você encontrará uma pequena tabela com a porcentagem que você deve reduzir quando for imprimir para montar os modelos nas escalas mais comum usadas pelos modelistas. - Os modelos montados acima são do site Toy Connect. Obrigado, Ed e Bettina!

Link: 1948`s.Kellogg´s.British.Village.Paper.Model.via.Little.House.Cards

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Statue Of Liberty Paper Model - by Paper Toys.Com - Estátua Da Liberdade

Oil Rig Paper Model Diorama - by Bolivarian Government Of Venezuela - Plataforma Petrolífera

Metropolitan Life Insurance Building Paper Model In 1/1700 Scale - by Tith01ny

Small House With Attic Paper Model - by Somodi Zoltan

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Vintage Camera Box Paper Model - by Nem Graphisme

This Retro Style Camera paper model created by French designer Emilie Jardon, from Nem Graphisme website, is perfect as gift box for Valentine's Day and also serves to store souvenirs and candies.

Este modelo de papel de uma Câmera em Estilo Retrô criado pela designer francesa Emilie Jardon, do site Nem Graphisme, é perfeita como caixinha de presentes para o Dia dos Namorados e também serve para guardar lembrancinhas e doces.

Link: The.Vintage.Camera.Box.Paper.Model.by.Nem.Graphism

More Paper Models of Gift Boxes related posts:

Vintage Matches Gift Box - by Papermau - Download Now!

Gift Box Papercraft - Hexagonal Model - by Canon

Funny Gift Boxes Papercraft - by Kirin - Caixinhas De Presente

Jar Box Papercraft - by Paper Matrix - Jarra De Papel

Futurama - Bender The Robot Paper Model - by Pedro Seidel

This is Bender Bending Rodríguez, the Robot in a perfect paper model version created by German designer Pedro Seidel. 

Commonly known as Bender, is a main character in the animated television series Futurama. He was created by series creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen

He fulfills a comic, antihero-type role in Futurama and is described by fellow character Leela as an "alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler" 

You need only one sheet of paper to build your own Bender.

Este é Bender, o Robô, em uma perfeita versão em papel criada pelo designer alemão Pedro Seidel. Bender Bending Rodríguez, o Robot. 

Vulgarmente conhecido como Bender, é um dos personagens principais na série animada de televisão Futurama. Ele foi criado por Matt Groening e David X. Cohen

Bender cumpre um papel cômico, do tipo anti-herói em Futurama e é descrito pela colega Leela como um "alcoólatra, cafetão, jogador inveterado e cadeieiro." 

Você precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montar seu próprio Bender.

Link: Futurama.Bender.The.Robot.Paper.Model.by.Pedro.Seidel

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