Saturday, June 26, 2021

Papermau Cartoon Cars Papercraft Collection - Some Future Models

More Easy-To-Build Vehicles Paper Models related posts:

Volkswagen Kombi Type II Flower Power Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Breaking Bad - Vamonos Pest Van Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Volkswagen Type II Malta Lowrider Paper Model - by Papermau Download Now!

Volkswagen Kombi Type II Paper Model 19 Windows - by Papermau Download Now!

Zebra Head Wall Hanging Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga

Is this Zebra Head white with blue strips or blue with white strips? 

This beautiful decorative paper model was created by Japanese designer Katsuyuki Shiga, for Canon website. 

If you print in A4 format, the model will be 20 cm tall after assembled.

Será que essa Cabeça de Zebra é branca com listras azuis ou é azul com listras brancas? 

Este belo modelo de papel decorativo foi criado pelo designer japonês Katsuyuki Shiga, para o site da Canon.

Se você imprimir no formato A4, o modelo ficará com 20 cms de altura depois de montado.

Uma boa notícia para os modelistas brasileiros e portugueses: agora há uma versão em língua portuguesa. Basta mudar o idioma no canto direito superior da página.


Friday, June 25, 2021

Easy-To-Build Police Car Paper Model In Cartoon Style - by Papermau
Download Today!

Finalizing the PDF. Download today.

Finalizando o PDF. Download ainda hoje.

Matsuyama Castle In Japan Paper Model - by Yoshinaka & STpers

photo matsumaya.Castle.paper.model.0045_zpsnw9ysqgj.jpg
The Real Thing
Created by Japanese designers Yoshinaka and STpers, comissioned by Canon website, here is a beautiful paper model version of the Matsuyama Castle, in Japan. Matsuyama Castle is a flatland-mountain castle that was built in 1603 on Mount Katsuyama, whose height is 132 meters, in Matsuyama city in Ehime Prefecture. This castle was originally built by Kato Yoshiaki in 1603. It had a large five-story tenshu, or keep, which was moved to Aizu Castle when Kato was transferred there in 1627. The next lord, Tadachika Gamoh, died in 1635, shortly after completing the ninomaru. After Tadachika, Matsudaira Sadayuki became the new lord. He completed a new Castle Tower (tenshu) in 1642. His heirs continued to rule the castle after his death. However, on New Years Day, 1784, this Castle Tower (tenshu) was struck by lightning and burned down. The current Castle Tower (tenshu) was built between 1820 and 1854. The castle survived the Meiji restoration, but parts of it were destroyed by bombing from American forces during World War II. Since 1966, the city of Matsuyama has been working to restore the castle.

Criada pelos designers japoneses Yoshinaka e STpers para o site da Canon, eis aqui uma bela versão em papel do Castelo de Matsuyama, no Japão. O Castelo de Matsuyama, também conhecido por Castelo de Katsuyama e Castelo Kinki, é um castelo construído no Monte Katsuyama com vista para a área central da cidade de Matsuyama. Foi construído em 1603 por Kato Ashiaki. Devido ao grande número de portões, cercas, paredes de pedra escarpada e vales, é comummente considerado um excelente castelo tanto do ponto de vista ofensivo como defensivo.


More Paper Models of Japanese Castles related posts:

Himeji Castle Miniature Paper Model - by Hanae Nozaka

Kumamoto Castle Paper Model - by K.Yoshinaka / STpers - via Canon

Easy-To-Build Japanese Castle For Kids - by 570 Design

A Japanese Castle, A Samurai Armor And Many More - by Iodata

Buddha At Borobudur Temple Paper Model - by Paper Replika

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. 

A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa. Know more and download this nice paper model created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana, visiting his website, Paper Replika.

Borobudur é um monumento Budista Mahayana do século IX situado em Magelang, Java Central, Indonésia. O monumento é composto por seis plataformas quadradas cobertas por três plataformas circulares, e está decorado com 2.672 painéis em relevo e 504 estátuas de Buda

Uma cúpula principal, localizada no centro da plataforma superior, é cercada por 72 estátuas de Buda sentadas dentro de cúpulas perfuradas. Saiba mais e baixe este modelo de papel bem legal criado pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, visitando seu site, Paper Replika.


More Paper Models of Temples and Sacred Buildings related posts:

The Greek Temple Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Athenian Treasury Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

The Ancient Temple Of Sacrifice Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

A Ziggurat Paper Model For Dioramas, RPG And Wargames - by Papermau - Download Now!

A Cute Plush Cow Paper Model - by Katsuyuki Shiga Pinoart

Occupying three printed sheets, this cute Plush Cow was created by Japanese designer and modeler Katsuyuki Shiga, from Pino Art website.

Ocupando três folhas impressas, essa simpática Vaquinaqh de Pelúcia foi criada pelo designer e modelista japonês Katsuyuki Shiga, do site Pino Art.
