Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Lascaux Cave-In Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

This Lascaux Cave-In papercraft was first posted here on the blog on June 17, 2017, that is, seven years ago. 

Then a Google Drive security update meant that this and many other models could only be accessed with my authorization, a very annoying thing as I had, and still have in many cases, to authorize each download one by one. 

I then reposted this model again in 2020, with a new link on Google Drive to avoid the need for authorization, but even so, many people are still unable to download the model without such authorization. 

I believe it is something with the configuration of the downloader's computer or some country restriction, but I'm not sure. 

Anyway, I'm republishing Lascaux Cave-In again, with a new link on Google Drive. I believe that now everyone will be able to download the model without restrictions. Have fun. 

So, here is the Lascaux Cave-In, an easy-to-build paper model to be used in Dioramas, RPG And Wargames. 

This model is something about 1/64 scale, so it is perfect for Hot Wheels, Matchbox and similar vehicles. 

I used textures taken from the complex of caves Lascaux, famous for its Palaeolithic paintings, found in in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of their exceptional quality, size, sophistication and antiquity. 

Estimated to be up to 20,000 years old, the paintings consist primarily of large animals, once native to the region. Have fun!

Este papercraft do Lascaux Cave-In foi postado pela primeira vez aqui no blog em 17 de junho de 2017, ou seja, há sete anos atrás. 

Depois uma atualização de segurança do Google Drive fez com que este e muitos outros modelos só pudessem ser acessados com uma autorização minha, uma coisa muito chata pois eu tinha, e ainda tenho em muitos casos, que autorizar cada download um a um. 

Repostei então esse modelo novamente em 2020, com um novo link no Google Drive para evitar a necessidade de autorização, mas mesmo assim várias pessoas ainda não conseguem baixar o modelo sem a tal autorizaçao. 

Eu creio que seja alguma coisa com a configuração do computador de quem baixa ou alguma restrição de país, mas não tenho certeza. 

De qualquer forma, estou republicando novamente o Lascaux Cave-In, com um novo link no Google Drive. Creio que agora todos poderão baixar o modelo sem restrições. Boa montagem. 

Então, aqui está a Lascaux Cave-In, um modelo de papel bem fácil de montar para ser usado em Dioramas, RPG e Wargames. 

Este modelo está em uma escala aproximada de 1/64, então é perfeita para miniaturas Hot Wheels, Matchbox e similares. 

Eu usei texturas do complexo de cavernas de Lascaux, famosa por suas pinturas paleolíticas, encontradas na região da Dordogne, no sudoeste da França, por sua excepcional qualidade, tamanho, sofisticação e antiguidade. 

Com uma estimativa de até 20.000 anos, as pinturas consistem principalmente de grandes animais, uma vez nativos da região. Boa montagem!


Below, four more Papermau original architectural models related posts:


  1. I rediscover your blog/website and I am loving it a lot! This piece of art for example is beautiful.

    I posted on your twitter but didn't get a response, please allow me to ask my question here.

    I find making 3D buildings out of your papercuts quite fascinating, am I allow to do that and share them on various sites (opengameart, blendswap, cgtrader, ...)?

    I notice some of your papercuts are ccby, but for the free papercuts am I allowed to share them as cc0 license or do you prefer attribution (papermau)?

    Thank you for answer :-)

    1. Hello, Mokalux,

      Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you like the blog.

      As for the rights to papercrafts, well, I really don't endorse the sale of my works, even though they are free and can be modified and shared, they remain my property and I don't think it's fair for third parties to profit from it.

      That said, I also say that I don't usually scan the networks for piracy with my papercrafts.

      I know that there are many of my models being sold all over the world because I receive emails from blog friends reporting this.

      I'm not going after it, it's not worth it and I highly doubt anyone will get rich doing this.

      If you want to share my models, that's ok with me and if you can give credit and point to the original model link on the blog, I'd appreciate it.

      A big hug and greetings from Brazil to beautiful France.


    2. Hello Mauther,

      Tnank you for your kind response, I really appreciate it ;-)

      I love all you do because they are perfect for making cohesive scenes. For example I want to make a village in 2D or 3D for my game, I can cherry pick some PAPERMAU papercrafts buildings in the same genre and make 3D models out of them, then put that village in my game, illustration, ...

      I don't intent to steal your work (thus my question), I mostly want to use them in my games and illustrations (which I may eventually sell).

      I will make sure to give appropriate credits and link back to your very nice blog.

      Would this do?
      "3D models based on PAPERMAU papercrafts"

      Thank you very much, with love from Tunisia where I now live :-)

    3. Hello again, Mecalux,

      For me it's great, just as you specified.

      I'm happy that the models are useful and I don't mind if you assemble and sell assembled models. Anything you put your own effort into, to me it's only fair that you gain from it.

      About Tunisia, I know a little about its history, the birthplace of the Arab Spring, and I'm very interested in Carthage.

      If you want to talk to me, you can contact me at my email, ok?

      A big hug.


    4. you are awesome Mauther, will contact you via email for sure ;-)

      A big hug back, take care Mauther

      (PS: maybe you shouldn't leave you email in plain sight?)
