Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween Special - The Steel Trap Paper Model - by Ravensblight

Ray O`Bannon, from Ravensblight website, the North American designer of this very original paper model, says: - "This snappy little decoration will add a pleasant touch of peril to any home or office. 

It includes a storage tray that's ideal for coins, jewelry, car keys or any similar item you'd rather not have others grabbbing.

So why not let these steely jaws guard your treasures? You might even hesitate to touch them yourself!"

Ray O`Bannon, do site Ravensblight, o designer norte americano deste modelo de papel bem original, diz: - "Esta decoração um pouco ardilosa irá adicionar um delicioso toque de perigo em qualquer casa ou escritório

Ele inclui uma bandeja de armazenamento que é ideal para moedas, jóias, chaves de carro ou qualquer coisa do tipo que você não queira que os outros ponham as mãos.

Então por que não deixar essa mandíbula de aço guardar seus tesouros? Até mesmo você pode ficar com receio de tocá-los!"


More Halloween themed Paper Models related posts:


  1. Love the scary characters in the Papermau heading. I always like the way you change them from season to season or holiday! As a matter of fact - I love this whole site. I can't believe how much time and energy you put into your research! thank you. Happy Halloween!

  2. Hello, Mariprice,

    Many thanks for your words, you are always very kind and I really appreciate this. I'm glad you enjoyed the banner. I thought no one noticed that. You were the first person to comment on them. If you need something, a particular role model you can't find anywhere, just talk. You can contact me in my email, ok:

    Greetings from Brazil!

