Friday, November 25, 2016

Milpersac Medieval Castle - An Imaginary Paper Model - by Luc Mahler

This medieval castle of details is a creation of the mind of Luc Mahler, a great French designer and modeler. You will need to print 21 sheets of paper to build yours and if you liked, I advise you to download it soon, as this castle is originally a paid model and I do not know until when the author will share it for free. You will find some more beautiful models on Luc's website.

Este castelo medieval cheio de detalhes é obra da mente do grande designer e modelista francês Luc Mahler. Este modelo de papel ocupa 21 folhas impressas e se você gostou, eu aconselho a baixá-lo logo, pois este castelo é originalmente um modelo comercial e eu não sei até quando o autor vai compartilhá-lo gratuitamente. Você irá encontrar mais alguns belos models no website de Luc.


More Medieval Paper Models related posts:

Castle Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - More Some Advances

Medieval Knight - Lord Codrington - by Zio Prudenzio - Cavaleiro Medieval

King Henry VIII Website - Paper Models Of Tudor Era - Modelos De Papel Medievais

Inquisition Hanging Cage Diorama - by Professor Plastik - Diorama Medieval - Inquisição


  1. Yes, this paper model is free !
    Thank you far talking of "great designer" ! ^^

    Luc Mahler

    1. Hello, Luc,

      I am just saying the truth! I say thank you for your beautiful models!

      Greetings from Brazil!

