Monday, September 14, 2015

Japan Railway Train Koketsu System Paper Model - by Peparama

This little and nice papercraft convoy was created by Japanese designer Yosshii, from Peparama website. You need only one shee tof paper to build all of them.

 photo japan.train.papercraft.via.papermau.003_zpshfo4abba.jpg

Este pequeno e simpático comboio de papel foi criado pelo designer japonês Yosshii, do site Peparama. Você só precisa de apenas uma folha de papel para montar todos eles.

 photo japan.train.papercraft.via.papermau.001_zpsjpimrv0r.jpg


More Paper Models of Trains and Locomotives related posts:

German Locomotive KPEV T-3 Paper Model - by Bastelbogen Online

Chizu Express Japanese Trains And Wagons Paper Models - by Chizukyu

Plasser Theurer PBR 400 Train Paper Model - by Valentín Korinek

The Weekend Pic - French Vintage Locomotive - by Michel Cerfvoliste / Agence Eureka

Citroen HY Canelés Baillardran Paper Model - by Pascal & Camille


This is the Citroen HY Canelés Baillardran, more one nice paper model in 1/50 scale, created by French designer Pascal, under an original by Camille. Thank you, Pascal, for your kindness in send me the model.


Este é o Citroen Hy Canelés Baillardran, mais um modelo de papel bem bacana na escala 1/50, criado pelo designer francês Pascal, sobre um original de Camille. Obrigado, Pascal, pela gentileza em enviar-me o modelo.


Link: Citroen.HY.Canelé

More Paper Models of French Vehicles related posts:

Citroen Type H Paper Cars In 1/40 Scale - by PierreG

1933`s Chenard et Walcker - La Mistral Paper Car - by Agence Eureka

Panhard Et Levassor 1894 Vintage Paper Car - by Denis - via Le Forum En Papier

Citroen DS Paper Cars - by Ichiyama`s Paper Cards

The Crazy Van Hot Rod Paper Model - by Thomas Workentin
via Paper Modelers Forum

Model Assembled and Photo by Rickstef - via Paper Modelers Forum

Thanks to Rickstef, administrator from Paper Modelers forum, we can build our own Crazy Van Hot Rod paper model, created by North American designer Thomas Workentin and originally published at Hot Rod Magazine in 1976.

 photo hot.rod.papercraft.via.papermau.02_zpskcgrawiq.jpg

Graças ao Rickstef, administrador do forum Paper Modelers, nós podemos montar nossa própria Crazy Van Hot Rod, criada pelo designer norte-americano Thomas Workentin e originalmente publicada na Hot Rod Magazine do ano de 1976.


More Hot Rod Paper Models related posts:

Simple Hot Rod Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

1962`s Volkswagen Type 2 Hot Rod Paper Model - by Papercrafts.It

Ford T Classic Hot Rod Paper Model - by The Kanalhas

The Bone Shaker Hot Rod Paper Model - by Wongday Papercraft

The Blue Bird Origami Papercraft For Kids - by Jacque Davis

Kids will love make this cute Blue Bird Origami, an easy-to-build decorative papercraft created by designer Jacque Davis.


As crianças irão adorar este simpático Origami de um Pássaro Azul, um papercraft bem fácil de montar criado pela designer Jacque Davis.


More Origami and Kirigami related posts:

Gizeh Pyramids - Egyptian Scene Kirigami - by Shoza / Paper Works

Rock`n`Roll Circus - Rock Star Origami Mask - by Alexander Oliveros

Kirigami - Origamic Architeture - by S-Sekkei

How To Make An Origami - Batman Toy - by TC Games

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Old Legends From Japan - Urashima Taro Tale Paper Toy - by Bocci

Urashima Taro was a fisherman. One day he caught a large turtle in his nets. The turtle was a symbol of old age and thus much respected. Urashima let the animal free. To his amazment the turtle transformed into a lovely young woman. She explained that she was the daughter of Ryūjin, the dragon god. She casts a spell on the fisherman enabling him to breath underwater then invites him to Ryūgū-jō. Urashima was amazed by the vast underwater palace of coral and crystal but even more so by Ryūjin himself. The mighty dragon god’s coils were thousands of feet long and glittered with scales of every imaginable shade of green, aquamarine, turquoise, and blue. His head was crowned with branching antlers and his teeth were as long as scythes. Despite his daunting appearance the god had a kindly look in his eyes and took a liking to Urashima. He allowed him to marry his beautiful daughter and live in the splendid palace. For a while Urashima was happy but then he began to miss his land home and his parents. He was worried that they had no one to care for them in their advancing years. His bride accepted the situation and allowed him to return to the land so long as he promised to come back to her. The fisherman loved his bride and promised that he would indeed return. Before he left she gave him a small laquered box tied up with cord and told him to never open it. If he did he would never see her again.
 photo urag1_3_zps02e68hk8.gifOnce again he gave his word. In her turtle form his wife escorted Urashima back to land. Once ashore Urashima noticed that something was wrong. The surrounding mountains looked the same but the village was larger and looked very different. All the villagers were strangers. Looking around he saw no one he recognized. He hurried to his old home and found it to be nothing but a pile of rubble. Beside himself with worry he asked around about the people who had live in house and what had become of them. One very old man vaugly recalled a story of an elderly couple whose son had been a fisherman lost at sea. The story was supposed to have occurred 400 years ago! It dawned on Urashima that time was not measures in the kingdom of the dragon god as it was on land. For every day he spent in Ryūgū-jō many mortal years had passed on land. Perhapse hoping to find an answer to his awful situation he foolishly opened the box. A wisp if smoke rose up from inside it. This was time catching up with him. His hair grew white then fell out. His eyes dimmed, his bones grew frail. His skin wrinkled and sagged. His body dessicated as time sucked the life out of him.
Later the villagers discovered the dried out husk of a man clutching a laquered box. The date of Urishima’s fishing trip was around AD 478 and his return at around AD 825. - write bt Mr. Richard Freeman and originally posted at Myths.And.Legends.Website

Há uma antiga lenda japonesa datada do período Muromashi (século XV) em que um pescador chamado Urashima Taro salvou uma tartaruga de um grupo de rapazes que a estavam maltratando. No dia seguinte, uma tartaruga enorme se aproximou dele e lhe disse que a pequena tartaruga que ele salvara era na verdade a filha do Imperador do Mar, que gostaria de vê-lo e agradecer-lhe. Ela permitiu que ele subisse em suas costas e, através de magia, fez surgir brânquias em Taro para que ele pudesse respirar debaixo d'água. Assim pôde levá-lo a uma viagem para conhecer o fundo do mar e o palácio do rei-dragão. Lá o pescador se encontrou com o imperador e com a sua filha, a pequena tartaruga, que agora estava transformada em uma bonita princesa. Taro ficou no palácio como hóspede de honra e muitas festas foram feitas em sua homenagem.
 photo otog1_3_zpssrlh1tuy.gifAssim foram se passando os dias. Embora feliz nas águas marinhas, Urashima começou a sentir saudades de sua terra natal e de seus parentes, e pediu para voltar. Ao partir, recebeu da princesa uma arca de presente, com a promessa de que só a abrisse quando ficasse bem velho e de cabelos brancos. Ao chegar em sua cidade não a reconheceu, pois estava tudo muito mudado. Ele não conseguiu reconhecer nenhuma das pessoas da vila, os lugares já não eram mais os mesmos. Começou a perguntar se alguém conhecia um pescador chamado Urashima Taro. Algumas pessoas disseram que tinham ouvido falar de alguém com esse nome, que havia desaparecido no mar muitos anos atrás. Taro acabou descobrindo que haviam se passado trezentos anos desde o dia em que havia decidido ir ao fundo do mar. Tomado de grande tristeza, foi para a beira do mar na esperança de reencontrar a tartaruga, mas desesperou-se porque esta demorava e acabou abrindo a caixa que a princesa lhe havia oferecido. De dentro dela saiu uma nuvem de fumaça branca, que o envolveu. De repente, seu corpo tornou-se velho e enrugado, nasceu-lhe uma longa barba branca e suas costas curvaram-se com o peso de tantos anos. E do mar veio a voz doce e triste da princesa: "Eu lhe disse para não abrir a caixa. Nela estavam todos os seus anos". A caixa continha a "eterna juventude" de Urashima Taro e o pescador, sem reconhecer seu valor, deixou-a ir-se para sempre. - historia originalmente postada no site Trincas.E.Fissuras


More Paper Models of Myths, Legends and Hauntings from Japan related posts:

Hauntings From Japan Complete Paper Toy Series - by Bocci

Hauntings From Japan - Kakatsu Ghost Paper Toy - by Vayashi

Hauntings From Japan - Yakubyogami Paper Toy - by Jeron

Legends from Japan - Samurai Shinkenger With Kusanagi Sword - by Vayashi

Seu de Manresa Spanish Basilica Paper Model - by Ignasi Cornellas

This is the paper model of the Basilica of Santa María de la Seu, created by Spanish architect and designer Ignasi Sergon i Cornellas, by Isegon website. Manresa is the capital of the Comarca of Bages, located in the geographic centre of Catalonia, Spain, and crossed by the river Cardener. It is an industrial area with textile, metallurgical, and glass industries. The houses of Manresa are arranged around the Basilica of Santa María de la Seu. Saint Ignatius of Loyola stopped to pray in the town on his way back from Montserrat in 1522. He also read in solitude in the town for a year, which contributed to the formulation of his Spiritual Exercises. As such, the town is a place of pilgrimage for Catholics. - Despite the small number of pages (four sheets to pieces and one more with transparencies), this is a complex model, with detached roof and detailed interior.

Este é o modelo de papel da Basílica of Santa María de la Seu, criada pelo arquiteto e designer espanhol Ignasi Sergon i Cornellas, do site Isegon. Manresa é um município da Espanha na província de Barcelona, comunidade autónoma da Catalunha, situada a 55KMS de Barcelona, e de área 41,66 km² com população de 76.044 habitantes (2008) e densidade populacional de 1641,62 hab/km². A cidade fica na margem do rio Cardener, em um dos seus pontos altos está a catedral gótica, a Basílica de Santa Maria da Sé, inaugurada em 1488. Junto a uma das margens do rio Cardener, está a Cova de Santo Inácio de Loyola, um dos lugares mais importantes na vida do fundador da Companhia de Jesus, a conhecida ordem católica dos jesuítas. A vista a cima é do alto da Sé, de onde se descortina parte da cidade com o atual complexo dos jesuítas. - Apesar do pouco número de páginas (quatro folhas com peças e mais uma com transparências), este é um modelo complexo, com telhado destacável e interior detalhado.


More Spanish Architectural Paper Models related posts:

Montseny Medieval Castle Paper Model - Preserved and Shared - by Dépliant - via Le Forum En Papier

Spanish Colonial Fortresses Paper Models In Several Scales - by Edifícios De Papel

La Rapita Harbour Spanish Industrial Building Paper Model - by Pedro Hernández

Basque Farmhouse Vintage Paper Model - by Boga Publisher

Reunion Island Colonial Architectural Paper Models - by Baud And Bui

Created by French designers Pascale Baud and René Bui and perfect for Dioramas RPG and Colonial Wargames, these architectural paper models take inspiration from traditional houses in Reunion Island, a French overseas department in west Indian ocean.

 photo creole.houses.papercraft.via.papermau.002_zpsyixjljzv.jpg

Criados pelos designers franceses Pascale Baud e René Bui e perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames Coloniais, estes modelos de papel arquitetônicos são inspirados em casas tradicionais situadas em Reunion Island, uma antiga possessão francesa No Oceano Índico Oriental.

 photo creole.houses.papercraft.via.papermau.003_zpslvyixe5e.jpg


More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Abraham Lincoln Home In Springfield Paper Model - by Illinois History

German Buildings And Dioramas In HO Scale - by Maerklin Kids Club

Country House Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio - Casa De Campo

Austrian State Railways Reception Building Paper Model - by Gleimo

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Alpine Inn And Bakery Paper Models In 1/160 Scale - by Kaukapedia

These paper models of two alpine buildings, an Inn and a Bakery, were originally published in the German educational magazine Fixi and Foxi, in 1983. 

They have been preserved and are now shared by Kaukapedia website. These models are in 1/160 scale (N scale) and are perfect for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.

Estes modelos de papel de duas construções alpinas, uma Hospedaria e uma Padaria, foram originalmente publicados na Revista educativa alemã Fixi and Foxi, no ano de 1983

Elas foram preservadas e agora são compartilhadas pelo site Kaukapedia. Os modelos estão na escala 1/160 (escala N) e são perfeitos para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.

Link: Alpine.Inn.And.Bakery.Paper.Models.In.1/

More Paper Models of Architecture and Buildings related posts:

Brazilian Abandoned House - by Papermau - Download Now

One Sheet Little Paper Villa - by Gunnar Sillén - Vila de Papel

French Gothic Cathedral - by Jump If Not Zero - Catedral Gótica

Desktop Architecture - Series 04 - by Papermau - Colonial Brazilian Churches

Death Truck And The Prairie Carriage Hot Rod Paper Models
by Street Paper

Two cool paper models by Street Paper, German website: Death Truck and Prairie Carriage. The yellow car - Post Office - is not for download yet.

 photo hot.rod.papercraft.via.papermau.01a_zpso7vcyzs4.jpg

Dois modelos d epapel bem legais do site alemão Street Paper: Death Truck e Prairie Carriage. O amarelo - Post Office - ainda não está disponível para download.

 photo hot.rod.papercraft.via.papermau.03_zpsyuiujfar.jpg


More Paper Models of Cars and Vehicles related posts:

Hot Rod With Interior - by Billsport Junior

Earth Cruiser Overland Vehicle - by Earth Cruiser

Make Your Own VW Multivam Paper model - by Swiss White Water Cup

1957`s Tucker Sno-Cat Alaska Expedition Vehicle - by Kblaauw - via Forums Forums

French Tank AMX-13 Paper Model In 1/50 Scale - by World Of Tanks

From World of Tanks, Russian website, this is the paper model version with detailed interior of the French Tank AMX-13 in 1/50 scale. 

The AMX-13 is a French light tank produced from 1953 to 1985

It served with the French Army, as the Char 13t-75 Modèle 51, and was exported to more than 25 other nations.

Do site russo World of Tanks, este é o Tanque Francês AMX-13, aqui em uma versão em papel com interior detalhado, na escala 1/50. 

O AMX-13 é um tanque leve francês produzido entre os anos de 1953 a 1985. 

Ele era designado no exército francês como Char 13t-75 Modèle 51, e foi exportado para mais de 25 outras nações.

Detail of the interior of the model

Link: French.Tank.AMX-13.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Tanks related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Jagdpanther Tank Paper Model - by Maxe / Rawen

  WW2`s Tank M3A Honey Paper Model In 1/48 Scale - by Konradus

  Renault FT 17 Paper Model- The World's First Modern Tank - by PeaGrafis - via Le Forum En Papier

WWII`s Tank Tiger I Paper Model In 1/35 Scale by Paper Replika

WW2`s British Tank Churchill Mk.III Paper Model - by Mr. Cube

Created by Japanese designer Mr.Cube, from Lazy Life website, this is the WW2`s British Tank Churchill Mk.III paper model in 1/72 scale. The Churchill Mk.III was a British heavy infantry tank used in the Second World War, best known for its heavy armour, large longitudinal chassis with all-around tracks with multiple bogies, and its use as the basis of many specialist vehicles. It was one of the heaviest Allied tanks of the war.


Criado pelo designer japonês Mr. Cube, este é o Tanque Pesado Inglês Churchill Mk.III, da Segunda Grande Guerra, na escala 1/72. O Churchill Mk.III foi um tanque de infantaria pesado usado na Segunda Grande Guerra, famoso por sua blindagem pesada, largos chassis longitudinais e suas lagartas com múltiplas roldanas. Ele era a base para vários veículos de combate e foi um dos mais pesados tanques dos Aliados durante a guerra.


Link: WW2`

More WW2 Military Vehicles related posts:

WW2`s Ammunition Transporter T-1A - by Paper Hobby

WW2`s Tank Sherman M4A3 In 1/100 Scale - by Rawen

Jeep Wilyis MB In 1/72 Scale - by Exclusive Models

Carden Loyd Tankette Paper Model - by Zio Prudenzio