Friday, April 19, 2013

WW2`s Japanese Aircraft Aichi Hasegawa D3A4 - by Shikisha

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A very well done paper model of the famous WW2`s Japanese aircraft Aichi Hasegawa D3A4, created by designer Shikisha.

Um modelo de papel muito bem feito de um avião japonês da Segunda Grande guerra, o Aichi Hasegawa D3A4, criado pelo designer Shikisha.

Link: WW2`

More Aircraft and Planes related posts:

WW2 P51 Mustang and Lublin R-XVI Airplanes - by Kartonmodelle

WW2 Spitfire Airplane SD Style - by ADV Studio - Avião WW2

Link Trainer Flight Simulator - by Currell Graphics - 1º Simulador de Voo

WW2 Easy-To-Build Airplanes That Actually Fly - by Kamino-Ana - Aviões Da Segunda Guerra

Furano Sisters Paper Dolls In Chibi Style - by Pontacerone

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Two new paper dolls in a nice Chibi Style, created by Japanese designer Pontacerone.

Duas novas bonecas de papel em um Estilo Chibi bem legal, do designer japonês Pontacerone.


More Paper Dolls related posts:

Magical Girl Kazumi Paper Doll - by Seisaku Diary

Princess Paper Doll Anime Style - by Moekami

Aty Paper Doll Anime Style - by Anton Pstyga

Mini Chun Li Paper Toy - by Gustavo Santome - Mini Papercraft

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mont-Saint-Michel In France Paper Model - by S.Umekawa / Canon

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The Real Thing - By Day...
This really beautifull paper model diorama of Mont-Saint-Michel, In France, was created by Japanese designer S.Umekawa, comissioned by Canon website. Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky tidal island 247 acres in size, and is a commune in Normandy, France. It is located approximately one kilometre (just over half a mile) off the country's northwestern coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches. The island's highest point is 92 metres (301 feet) above sea level. The population of the island is 44, as of 2009. The island has held strategic fortifications since ancient times, and since the eighth century AD been the seat of the monastery from which it draws its name. One of France's most recognisable landmarks, Mont Saint-Michel and its bay are part of the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites and more than 3 million people visit it each year. - Wikipedia

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...And By Night.
Este belíssimo diorama de papel do Monte San-michel, na França, foi criado pelo designer japonês S.Umekawa, para o site Canon. O Monte Saint-Michel é um ilhote rochoso na foz do Rio Couesnon, no departamento da Mancha, na França, onde foi construído uma abadia (abadia do Monte Saint-Michel) e santuário em homenagem ao arcanjo São Miguel. Seu antigo nome é "Monte Saint-Michel em perigo do mar" (Mons Sancti Michaeli in periculo mari). Este mosteiro, fortificado no século XIII, integra um conjunto com mais três cidades cujas fortificações e desenvolvimento são notáveis: Aigues-Mortes (1270-1276), ponto de reunião dos Cruzados rumo à Terra Santa, Carcassone, célebre por suas defesas, e Avignon, sede alternativa da Cristandade (1309-1377). Estas cidades fortificadas, denominadas "bastides" marcavam a fronteira dos reinos ao final da Idade Média, servindo como elementos de defesa e dando ao povo novas oportunidades sociais. Foram construídas mais de 300 só na França, entre os anos de 1220 e 1350. Além das "bastides", foram projetadas e construídas em toda a Europa, de Portugal à Polônia, e nomeadamente no sudoeste da França, entre 1136 e 1270 aproximadamente, numerosas "villeneuves" (cidades novas), que muito contribuíram para o nascimento e consolidação de uma classe social burguesa. - Wikipedia


More Architecture and Buildings Paper Models related posts:

Hamlet Medieval Village - by Alternate Realms - Vilarejo Medieval

South Africa Gas Station Paper Model - by Etiennedup

Swiss Wood Cabin - by Papermau - Cabana de Madeira Suíça

Hungarian Clock Tower - by Somodi Zoltan - Torre do Relógio Húngara

Turbolabo SD RX-78NT-1 SD Gundam Paper Model - by Thailand Namotasa

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A cool paper model of Turbolabo SD Rx-78NT-1 Gundam, in a nice Super Deformed style, created by designer Namotasa, from Thailand-Namotasa website.

Um modelo de papel bem legal de um Turbolabo SD Rx-78NT-1 Gundam, em uma divertida versão Super Deformada, do designer Namotasa, do site Thailand-Namotasa.


More Robots and Gundams Paper Models related posts:

Axioo Mecha Unit Paper Model - Camo Version - by Paper Replika

Gaiking Super Robot Paper Model - by Timmy Arditio

Voltes V Gundam Robot Papercraft - by Julius Perdana / Paper Replika

Gundam RX-78 Diorama In 1/144 Scale - by Paper Hobby

Residents of Hong Kong Vignette Paper Model - by Sui Shing Mak - via Papermodelers

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More one cool and easy-to-build vignette/diorama by Chinese designer Mak. This model in 1/20 scale was originally posted at Papermodelers Forum.

Mais um diorama/vinheta bem legal e fácil de montar do designer chinês Mak. Este modelo em escala 1/20 foi originalmente postado no Forum Papermodelers.


More Dioramas and Vignettes related posts:

Aged Front Gate In Hong Kong Island Facade - by Sui Shing Mak - via Papermodelers

Vintage India Diorama - by Agence Eureka - Antigo Diorama Da India

Shulman`s Market 1941 Vignette - by Papermau - Some Advances

Chinese Broadsword Vignette - by Sui-Shing Mak

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Anti-Aircraft Gun Truck Paper Model In 1/32 Scale - by Papermau Download Now!

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This is the Anti-Aircraft Gun Truck Paper Model In 1/32 Scale, to be used in RPG, Wargames and Dioramas.

Este é o modelo de papel do Caminhão Anti-Aéreo em Escala 1/32, para ser usado em jogos de RPG, Wargames e Dioramas.

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It is not a hard-to-build model and occupies two sheets of paper.

Não é um modelo difícil de montar e ocupa apenas duas folhas de papel.

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This is the Camo Gray version. More colors soon.

Esta é a versão Camuflada cinza. Mais cores em breve.

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Download: Anti.Aircraft.Gun.Truck.Paper.Model.In.1/!

More Papermau Original Military Paper Models related posts:

Volkswagen Transporter Van - by Papermau - Brazilian Kombi

Vintage Nascar`s Race Car - Carro de Corrida Nascar 1972

Chevrolet Chevelle 1970 - by Papermau - Dark Version

Simple Hot Rod - by Papermau - Download Now!

Harlem Shake Paper Toys - by Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox

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Philipp Stollenmayer, the mind behind these cool Harlem Shake Paper toys, says: - "I have been shaking for nearly 3 months now... straight. Time to hand over the responsibility to some paper guy that I can put on whatever shakes. The car, the washing machine, grandma, ... Make as many as you like and let your mini-me shake it for you." In the end of this post you will find the link to download the model at Kamibox`s page and also a link to a very detailed tutorial, full of images, showing how to assemble your Harlem Shake Guy. The video that you see in this post was created by Ddi7i4d.

Philipp Stollenmayer, a mente por trás destes incríveis Harlem Shake Paper Toys, diz: - "Eu tenho "chacoalhado" já vão três meses...direto! Já é hora de passar essa responsabilidade para alguns carinhas de papel que possam chacoalhar aonde quer que seja: no carro, na máquina de lavar, nas mão da vovó... monte quantos quiser e deixe seus mimi-me chacoalharem por você." No final deste post você encontrará o link para baixar o modelo no site do Kamibox e também um link para o Instructables, onde há um tutorial super detalhado, repleto de imagens, mostrando como montar seu Harlem Shake. O vídeo que você vê neste post foi criado por Ddi7i4d.

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Watch the video with the sound on! - Assista o vídeo com o som ligado!

Link to Kamibox download page:

Link to Harlem Shake tutorial at Instructables: Harlem.Shake.Paper.Toys.Tutorial.via.Instructables

More Movable and Automata Paper Toys related posts:

Da Vinci`s Mechanical Hammer - by Paper Pino - Martelo de Da Vinci

Silly Alien Automata Paper Toy - by World Up Side Down

Chicken And Newborn Baby Chick Automata Papercraft - by Canon

Animated Tyrannosaurus Rex - by Kids Net - Tiranossauro

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Models For Train Sets And Dioramas In OO And HO Scale - by Wordsworth Model Railway

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 photo wordswo80798078upiuip_zpsb7d4305b.jpgSome nice new paper models for Train Sets and Dioramas in OO and HO scales, by Wordsworth Model Railway website. You will find a Platform Shelter, Brown Brick Arched Retaining Wall, a Double Road Engine Shed, the Wordsworth Signal Box v.2, a Platform Gentlemen Toilet, a Timber Merchant and a Diesel Fuel Point.

Mais alguns novos e belos modelos de papel para Maquetes Ferroviárias e Dioramas nas escalas OO e HO, do site Wordsworth Model Railway. Você encontrará um Abrigo de Plataforma coberto, uma Parede de Tijolos com Arcos, um Abrigo de Trens Duplo, um Prédio de Sinalização, um Mictório de Plataforma, um abrigo de Madeira para Mercadores e um Ponto de Abastecimento de Diesel.


More Paper Models for Train Sets and Dioramas related posts:

Japanese Trains, Stations, Crossroads, Signs and More

Signs And Acessories For Train Sets And Dioramas In HO Scale - by Projekt Bastelbogen

Crossing Tower Paper Model In HO And O Scale - by Clever Models

Windmill And Gazebo In HO Scale - by Geertruidenberg

F/A-18 Red Devil Hornet Paper Model - by Paper Replika & Kim

A really nice paper model in 1/48 scale created by Indonesian designer Julius Perdana, from Paper Replika website and was recolored by modeler Kim. 

The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F/A-18 Hornet is a twin-engine supersonic, all-weather carrier-capable multirole fighter jet, designed to dogfight and attack ground targets (F/A for Fighter/Attack). 

Designed by McDonnell Douglas and Northrop, the F/A-18 was derived from the latter's YF-17 in the 1970s for use by the United States Navy and Marine Corps. 

The Hornet is also used by the air forces of several other nations. It has been the aerial demonstration aircraft for the U.S. Navy's Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, since 1986.

Um modelo de papel muito bem feito na escala 1/48 criado pelo designer indonésio Julius Perdana, do site Paper Replika e foi recolorido pelo modelista Kim. 

O Boeing F/A-18EF Super Hornet é uma aeronave supersônica de interceptação aérea e de ataque ao solo. 

O F/A-18E e F/A-18F são maiores e mais avançados que seu antecessor o F/A-18 Hornet. 

O Super Hornet entrou em serviço nos Estados Unidos em 1999, substituindo os F-14 Tomcat em 2006 e deverão servir em conjunto com os originais Hornets F/A-18C (se mantêm operacionais mas com uma substituição gradativa pelos Super Hornets).


More Aircrafts Paper Models related posts:

Hotel-Casino Buildings in Las Vegas - A Miniature Diorama Papercraft
by Aurelien - via Le Forum En Papier

A very well done little diorama of Las Vegas, with its hotel-casinos and signposts, created by French designer Aurélien and originally posted at Le Forum En Papier website.

Um diorama muito bem feito de Las Vegas, com seus hotéis-cassino e letreiros luminosos, em uma criação do designer francês Aurélien e originalmente postado no Le Forum En Papier.


Bear, Cat And Hedgehog Paper Toys - by Kinderpan - Urso, Gato E Porco-Espinho

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Three nice paper toys for kids, from Japanese educational website Kinderpan: you can choose between a bear, a cat or a hedgehog, or build everybody.

Três paper toys bem legais para crianças, do site educacional japonês Kinderpan: você pode escolher entre um urso, um gato ou um porco-espinho, ou então montar todos os três.


More Paper Toys related posts:

Matryoshka - Russian Paper Dolls - by Canon - Bonecas Russas

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 3D Paper Toy - by HP Creative

Merry Go Round Paper Toy - by Non Dairy Diary - Carrossel

Totoro Papercraft - by Studio Of M.M

Jojo Bizarre Adventure - The Stone Mask - by Paperman Returns

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From Jojo Bizarre Adventure videogame, here is the Stone Mask, created by Japanese designer paperman, from Paperman Returns website.

Do jogo de videogame Jojo Bizarre Adventure, eis aqui a Máscara de Pedra, criada pelo designer japonês Paperman, do site Paperman Returns.


More Paper Models from Videogames related posts:

Payday: The Heist - Decorative Paper Model Masks - by Tektonten

Berserker Predator Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by JP Papercraft

Chernabog Mask Paper Model In 1/1 Scale - by EuTytoAlba

Predator Bio Mask With Stand Paper Model - by Noturno Sukhoi

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dinosaur Papercraft Diorama For Kids - by First Palette - Diorama De Dinossauros Para Crianças

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A nice and easy-to-build papercraft project, the Dinosaur Diorama For Kids, that is perfect for School Works. By First Palette website.

Um projeto de apel bel legal e fácil de fazer de um Diorama de Dinossauros, que é perfeito para trabalhos escolares. Do site First Palette.


More Paper Models of Dinosaurs related posts:

DNA Chain Paper Model - by E Yoshida - Cadeia De DNA

Geological Paper Models - by Geoblox - Modelos Geológicos

Volcano Paper Model - by Think Quest.Org - Vulcão

Paper Models Of Egyptian Pyramids - by Korthals Altes